Living Room Picnic and Best Apple Stand EVER!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Today has been a great day! I spray painted a little book shelf, and finished up all the stuffed animal turtles and wrapped them in wrapping paper!
Jake and I passed this cute apple stand on the corner of Main Street and 1200 S. in Orem and had to go! If you go down Main street by Bed Bath and Beyond, it is on that street corner.
Jake and I stopped and got a HUGE bag of apples for only $4.00! I think we got at least 20 apples! I am not going to lie, we ate one right away when we got back in the car and it was the most sweet and delicious fuji apple I have ever had! I want to eat them all fast and go back for more! I would recommend going to see the cute little older gentlemen who runs this apple stand and getting apples! They have every kind of apples and they are all home grown from their orchard. See on the bottom of this apple picture the big baskets of apples? Yeah, that whole basket is only $13.00. I have never seen such an amazing deal for such delicious fruit! Please go try it out if you live in Utah! Worth it!
 For dinner, Jake and I went to Noodles and Company and got our meal to go!
When we got home, we made a living room picnic! I was so excited! Its a little to cold outside to have a picnic, so inside is just as fun!
This was also a free birthday meal on behalf of Noodles and Company! Thank you! Everyone should go online and find birthday deals in your neighborhood! Its so much fun!
I also got to see my cute cousin Mitch, his wife Rochelle and their baby Brooklyn! I got to fix a pair of Mitches suit pants and they brought me some yummy cookies! It was the best! Oh sooo good! I LOVE COOKIES! Perfect way to end the night.

Jake was the best and stayed up super late revamping my blog! Wahoo! I am soooo excited and LOVE it! I love orange! He even made the header and the background all by himself. He is so talented! Thanks Jakey, I owe you big time! I am so glad he is good at computer stuff because I can't figure out much of it!

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