Bread, Jam, Quilts and Food

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sunday was a great day! We got to go to church and see lots of old and new friends! That was great! After church mom made Jake and I an awesome lunch. Then we all took naps. Next it was time to leave the airport. Sadly Jake had to go back home to Utah, while I get to stay and play a little longer in Arizona till I go join him back at home soon. When I got back from the airport I ate tons of chips and salsa! One of my moms friends makes the best homemade salsa and I keep eating it all and have my mom go get me more! I need a salsa lady by my home!
For dinner I got to eat Hawaiian Haystacks and then play Nientedo for the rest of the night. I was determined to beat the new Mario for the 3DS. I did it! It was tuff and I broke a sweat, but lets just say, Bowzer is no longer.

Monday was a really fun day with my mom. Her and I went to lunch with her friend Lori Kay for her birthday. It was fun to meet her and enjoy some Rumbi Grill. (I love their sweet potato fries because they are crispy on the outside, soft on the inside.) Then mom took me shopping and to my favorite fabric store.
 Tuna found some high heels almost his size.
For dinner mom and I went to Oreganos. They have awesome Italian food! First we started off with a salad and then went onto a yummy pizza!
We ate so much we were to full for desert, which is the best part! So next time we will have to get pazookies! YUM!
Here are some fun things I got today. I feel tights are a very necessary thing for living in cold Utah. I also got some fabric to make some skirts. Jake has been wanting me to make my own clothes because he thinks I would have fun doing that so I thought I would get some fabric to try it out. Well see.....
Tuesday my mom and I made some delicious honey whole wheat bread. I forget how easy it is to make your own bread and how it is sooo good! I need to start making my own!
 While we put the bread in the pans to rise we started to make some strawberry freezer jam.
 Here is the yummy jam! My mom got little containers to put the jam in to giveaway with the bread! I loved that idea! This was my first time making freezer jam and won't be the last! I want to make freezer jam and bread when I get home and take some to friends :)
 The finished product!
For dinner, I got to meet up with Aimee and her sister Brooke and my sister Cami at Pita Jungle. I got a beef gyro and it was so good I wanted to eat two of them! Brooke and Cami were friends growing up and so were Aimee and I. Aimee and I have known each other since we were two years old. It was so fun to catch up and eat some good food with everyone!
After dinner we did some shopping. Then the Anderson's had to head home, so Cami and I went to a yogurt place called Swirl It and got some yogurt. It was great being able to hang out with just Cami all by herself and no kids! (I love her kids) but it was wonderful just having some sister one on one time.
Wednesday I found this skirt I made for my mom for Christmas a few years ago. I had completely forgotten about it, so it gave me hope that I can start making skirts and clothes again?!?!?
Aimee came and picked me up and we went to an awesome fabric store called Scrapbook Ext. They have amazing fabric! Aimee and I wanted to make new quilts and something simple, so we got precut fabric! I am now a huge fan of already cut fabric! The only problem I have with it is, some of the fabrics I would not chose to be in my quilt. (maybe different colors, but then again..maybe I wouldn't. I like them how they come) But thats kinda the fun of it. I finished sewing it all today and am taking it to get quilted tomorrow, so I will show the final product when I get it back!
Aimee and I ate one of our favorites, Neds Crazy Sub for lunch! I could eat those subs everyday! We had fun sewing and working on our projects together! We want to try and make another one soon!
I saw this super cute turtle fabric and had to get it! I LOVED it! Maybe because I love turtles? Now I need to think of something cute to make with it! Well, now time to eat dinner and get the backs made for my quilts so I can take them to the quilter in the morning! Have a wonderful night :)


  1. CUTE i love it you are so talented! kels if you start making clothes, make an etsy and sell them! i wanan buy some hehe :)

  2. I love your blog Kelsey it is so much fun. I can't believe how talented you are. Plus you seem like you have such an active and fun life. PS-I want to win those burlap stockings so bad I can't even take it! They are so cute and for some reason I feel afraid to make my own. Are you going to make any to sell? Anyway it's so fun to see how you are doing. Miss you and love you girl!

  3. Wow- I just read your post about your surprise hello kitty birthday- holy smokes Jake outdid himself! So sweet! I should have hired him for Mallory's birthday party :) I'm glad you have that great day documented- so cute
