Jake in DC for a week!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

On monday, my cute husband left for DC for a week of work! He was so excited to show me all his pictures when he got home! Looks like he had a lot of fun eating at some good places and walking around the city when he wasn't at work! This was the view from his hotel room! He got in Monday night and got all his stuff unpacked!
This is Floppy his cute bunny he brought with him to keep him company.
For dinner he went to Ben's Chili Bowl! I have been there before and it is delicious!
Jake worked all week at the National Archives and had a great time. He got to set up some awesome camera equipment and scan some cool top secret documents. 
Hoarce and Dickies big mama special! Jake said it was sooo good, and yes he ate the whole thing! Watch the Man vs. Food DC to see how good it is!
                                          For dinner Jake ate at the hotel and got some salmon...
                                           and dessert!
                                        The next day for breakfast he did the breakfast buffet!
                                           That night he wandered around into china town!
Jake is very adventurous in his food choices. I have no idea what this is. It looks like octopus.
On Jakes last day, Floppy and him said goodbye to DC.
Old Post Office.
Lunch at Rodizio, it is like Tucanos.
To top off Jakes trip he went to the George Washington Masonic Memorial. He said it was really neat and next time wants to take a tour! I am glad Jake had some fun while he was away, but I am glad to have him home :)

1 comment

  1. OH MY HECK i am so hungry you have no idea what this post did to me haha. YUMMMMMMMYYYYY!!! looks like a fun trip. i've been to dc once too and its awesome, love that city. glad life is good, i love reading your blog kels!
