birthday meals!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This has been a great weekend, week so far! Saturday Jake and I had a fun day of being extremely lazy and eating dinner at one of our favorite places Bombay House. We wanted our curry to be really hot so they gave us a side of hot sauce that was soooo good to pour in to the curry. I want to get that every time we go now! I love indian food because the flavors are so vibrant and delicious!
Sunday I was sooo excited to see our Sunday School kids!  I was way bummed to find out one of the cute girls Baylie, isn't going to be in our ward anymore. Sad. But it was great to see everyone else! Jake was cute and made us a delicious dinner of mac and cheese and hot dogs! Then we watched the Scooby Doo Movie, Once Upon a Time, and of course...Americas Next Top Model.
So, I have really bad carpal tunnel from doing the computer and crafting to much and my wrists and fingers were throbbing all day, so Jake was very cute and creative and made me heat pads out of his socks. I feel like I have the sweetest husband ever. He always takes such good care of me. He reheated them all day for me and wouldn't let me do a thing. He even walked me to the bathroom and refilled my drink cup a million times. Sweet boy.
When midnight came around Jake went to bed and I was ready to party! I always seem to get my second wind when everyone goes to bed! I opened a bag of my all time FAVORITE candy and got out my fabric and cutting shears!
I cut out fabric to make 15 stuffed animal turtles for all my nieces and nephews for Christmas! I am sooo excited to sew them and give them to the kids! Shh! Don't tell them though, because its a secret!
Did you know you can sign up for birthday deals online and get some awesome stuff for your birthday? Well tonight we went to Rubios and ate for FREE because of my birthday! I got a lime shrimp burrito. I really liked it! I love Rubios chips and salsa to. I could eat that everyday!
To top off our meal we got Cold Stone. For your birthday Cold Stone does buy one, get one free! We both got "Cookie Don't You Want Some" with oatmeal cookies batter! Delicious!! I love food!
Tuna was sitting in the to-go lid. I thought it looked like some of those retro chairs that were white in the 80's. I had fun spinning him around in it.
I also cleaned and reorganized my closet this weekend! It was such a good feeling. My clothes rack had broke and it was time to get a new one! I love a fresh clean closet! I even took some old clothes to Platos Closet and got some money! Wahoo! That makes me want to clean out even more stuff!
Tuesday night was super fun! Jake and I went to the Riverwoods and I was soo excited seeing them put up all the Christmas lights! They had a ton done and were putting up ever more! It was such fun environment wearing a coat in the cold, having out door fires everywhere, Christmas music playing and tons of lights! Loved it!
We went to Blickenstaff's which is the cutest toy shop/candy store! I could play in there all day! I wanted a ToyStory LEGO set that had Woody and Bullseye in it!
For dinner we went to Happy Sumo! I love their sushi! We got Ahi Seared Tuna, Vegas Roll and a Surf and Turf Roll! It was so delicious I want to go back again! Then we topped off the night watching Signified and Once Upon a Time while I sewed up some little stuffed animal turtles.


  1. Kelsey, your bday sounds so fun and so perfect. I'm so glad to see you are doing so well! Miss you!

  2. oh my gosh kels, your craft idea for your nephews SO CUTE wow you blow my mind! lucky them they will love it!! so special. and all that food looks so dang good it's insane i want it all. i want taht ice cream, ive never seen that flavor before and i had no idea they did one for free on your birthday! and what is this birthday meal thing that got you free meal? awesome! oh and your husband sounds so sweet, wow. i love how he made you little heat pads out of his socks, ADORABLE!!

  3. girl, you know the way to my heart. food and snacks. YUM! and i looove the beautiful christmas lights!
