best HELLO KITTY birthday ever!

Friday, November 18, 2011

This morning Jake woke me up and he was super excited and dressed and ready for the day, so I knew something was up! He told me I needed to come join him in the kitchen and this is what I saw!
I was so overwhelmed at how cute the kitchen looked! I feel like I have the sweetest husband ever! He knows I LOVE Hello Kitty, so he thought I needed to have a Hello Kitty Birthday! My birthday actually isn't till tomorrow, so thats where the surprise comes in!
He thought if he did a party the day before I would be surprised! And let me tell you, I was! He bought invitations and sent them to some of my friends. So thoughtful and unexpected! I haven't had a birthday party for years! He wrote me a love note in my invitation :)
I can't get over how cute Jake displayed the table putting Hello Kittys on top of presents and picking out cute matching wrapping paper all by himself.
He even got a table cloth, party hats and Hello Kitty tattoos. I wanted to cry it was so cute! Then Jake was even more amazing! He got me breakfast and helped me load up my car and go to the Bijou Market and set up all my stuff! He carried everything in, and even helped me display and organize all my items! He's the best! Then he went to work, and I went home.
The first thing I wanted to do when I got home was put on a tattoo! Then I got to get a snowboarding season pass to Park City! Jake is so supportive. I was thinking I shouldn't get a ski season pass this year and he wouldn't have it! He knows how happy playing in the snow on a board makes me, and he loves when I go out and do things. I guess we always won't live so close to a good snowboarding mountain! I feel so spoiled. He already took me shopping and to Vegas for my birthday I am so overwhelmed with goodness!

Then I called my mom and had fun talking to her for an hour or so. I love talking to my mom :)
After I got my snowboarding pass, I took a nap and watched Iron Man 2. When I came out of my room I saw the cute turtles sun bathing. That made me so happy. I love seeing their cute little legs stretched out! I wonder what it would be like to be a turtle...

My dad called today and it was so nice to talk to him! He wanted to wish me an early birthday! He is always so on top of it! It was so great to hear his voice. He has such a comforting voice.
Stacey was so cute and wanted to take me out on a lunch date for my birthday! She is the best! We went to one of our favorites, P.F Changs! I just had so much fun talking and spending time with Staceypants. She is such a wonderful friend.
After a great lunch I went to Bijou Market to check out how things were going and most of all I wanted to see all the other fun stuff the vendors had! I got this cute water color painting from Ashmae and LOVE it! Perfect picture of the LDS Arizona Temple.
When Jake got home from work I got to open some presents! All of them were huge surprises and I loved it! I had no idea Super Mario came out or was made for the 3ds! Mario has always been a huge favorite of mine! I was so excited to play it!
 Jake just kept surprising me with fun present after another.
This present was the biggest surprise and made me cry I thought it was so cute. It was a lamb chop doll. Jake and I were at a store one day and saw this exact lamb chop and told ourselves we were going to be good and not buy anything so lamb chop stayed at the store. I guess Jake went back the morning before work and made sure he bought the exact same lamb chop I wanted and lamb chop had been sitting in Jakes closet for over 3 months until now. So thoughtful and cute.

I feel so spoiled! I know every birthday won't be like this, but I know they will be as thoughtful. I think that is what meant the most to me out of everything. Every present, every decoration, everything was so thought out with love.

Well, after opening 3 presents I was overwhelmed and played my new Mario game while Jake was in the kitchen baking cupcakes! He wanted to make the cupcakes all by himself and didn't want me to see them till he was done.
Ok, can we say creative and way to cute? Jake thought of this all by him self. He wanted to make Hello Kitty Cupcakes all by himself and even thought out how to do them and got all the supplies for them at the store all by himself.
 Look at the determination in his face making each cupcake so special.
 These turned out way to cute! I was excited to try one later in the evening!
 Then Jake and I headed over to Bijou Market so he could take a look at it. Here is my stand!
We decided to have left over P.F. Changs for dinner. We were cracking up at how it came out of the box. The food was a box. haha Then we got ready for some friends to come over!
Jakes dad was so cute and came to join the party! Mom Harris and Cameron weren't able to come because Cameron got Lasik eye surgery today. Jakes parents were so sweet and got me a gift! They got me a fabouls water pitcher I had my eye on for months at Anthropolgie! I love it, especially the bright blue color! I can't wait to use it for a fun dinner! Thanks mom and dad!
Marin and Drew! The tattoos were a hit! They were so cute and got me some cool bath stuff and an amazing orange smelling candle! I love seeing this couple! They are so hilarious!
Marin, Stacey and Emily! I have the greatest friends! Stacey was so sweet and got me a really cute tan skirt! I am excited to wear it! Thanks cute friends for coming over!
When everyone left, I opened the rest of my presents! Jake got me LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean for the Playstation! I LOVED this game on my 3DS and was so addicted to it I beat it in 3 days, of all-day playing Nientedo and have played the game several times since then so he got me the Playstation one because it is a completely different game and knew I would have fun playing it! Wahoo! Then he did some research and found the best snowboarding video made for the season. He said he wanted to get me pumped up and excited for snowboarding season. That is just to cute! Talk about supportive in all areas of life. Then he got me two Disney movies! I LOVE Disney movies! I love Disney anything! Then there was even more! He got me the cutest hot pink poka dot big bow heels and Hello Kitty Dominoes! Wowzers! Jake defiantly outdid him self this birthday! I got way to spoiled, but I sure felt so loved and special because everything was so thoughtful from everyone! I am so grateful I got to marry Jake.
 Talk about a party! I think Jake was more excited for my birthday then I was! Now I see why :)
To top off the night, Jake and I played Lego Pirates of the Caribbean while the animal friends watched! The Playstation Pirates is so much harder than the Nientedo DS version, but still very very fun! I want to beat it asap! I love beating Nientedo games even if it takes many many hours :) Jake was super sleepy, so he went to bed and I took a relaxing bubble bath and then played on the computer! I feel like this has been the best birthday ever! I feel like every birthday I have ever had has been amazing, but this one has been super special and one I will never forget. Thanks everyone for making my 24th birthday amazing!
This birthday was so awesome I think it can count for Christmas, and all of next years holidays.

Also, I think I am really liking the idea of opening presents the day before your birthday so you can enjoy them and play with them on your birthday! I am excited to play gameboy all tomorrow and wear cute new hot pink shoes!


  1. Happy birthday! i love the hello kitty theme thats what i want to do for my lil girl...i should hire jake! haha LOVE your pink shoes!!!

  2. OH MY HECK CUTEST POST EVER! you and jake are so perfect for eachother i can just feel and see the love wow i love it@ ADORABLE! love the hello kitty stuff and all the cuteness and your stockings above blow my mind. you blow my mind. SO TALENTED! miss you!
