LEGO CITY - Off Road Fire Truck and Fireboat 7213

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jake and I were at the LEGO store and I knew I HAD to get this set! Not only am a sucker for the CITY was so cheap! It was on sale for $23.98. It normally is priced $39.99. On amazon it is still $39.99 but, you can get it for $23.98 at  on sale! When I finished the set, I thought it was cooler than what was on the box! This for sure was an awesome deal and great set to add to the collection.
I love when all the bags are numbered! I feel it really helps in the building process.
 You can hook the boat by tow from the fire truck. The fire truck even has little sides that come down and support the sides so it all doesn't topple over when you tow in the boat. I like the hose in the boat to that takes out a fire.
What a great set! I feel like I should buy more of them for presents or something. haha

leapin to california

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My friend Megan asked me if I wanted to go to Disneyland for Leap Day because it was open for 24 hours! I immediately said...YES! Sadly, she wasn't able to go anymore, and so I had no one to go with anymore. So Jake knew a girl at his work that loves Disneyland and gave her my number! She rounded up a group of friends and we headed off for California! If you read this part of the text can tell you know these girls would be an awesome time!
We left Tuesday afternoon and drove straight to California! We stopped in St. George to pick up a girl named Alexis! So we got smoothies and Taco Bell. I was cracking up because you could get avocado in your smoothie and Jake always puts avocados in smoothies and I think that is so gross.
We got to California around 9 o clock and checked in to our hotel. We stayed at the Ramada right by Disneyland. It was a fantastic hotel, and I would totally stay there again! After checking in to the hotel and getting settled in, we were hungry! We headed to Downtown Disney to do some shopping and get some dinner. I was DYING to go to the LEGO store, so we went there first! I got some awesome new LEGO sets! Then we went to the Grand California Hotel to go to dinner. We went to go to Napa Rose, but it was closed for a private dinner we went to Jazz Kitchen! None of us were bummed that we ate there because it was amazing! They had a Jazz pianist playing and singing and he was fantastic! And our meals, as well as dessert was amazing!
I ordered the steak medallions. It was delicious! I would order this again!

When we got back to the hotel, it was time to get to bed to wake up bright and early the next day to go to Disneyland! Disneyland had announced that the first 2000 people to enter the park on Leap Day at 6am would get special mickey mouse ears! We all knew we HAD to get them! So we set our alarms for 4:15 am! Disney here we come!

im doing a giveaway today from my store! come check it out!

Hello! Today I am doing a giveaway today at thegingerbreadblog! I am so excited! Here are the items I am giving away! A cute bag and mini wallet! I hope you all come say hi and enter the giveaway! Thanks so much for all your love and support! Good luck!

week wrap up

Monday, February 27, 2012

Tuesday I got to bring dinner to a friend Meghan that just had a baby boy named Ollie. I made beef stoganough, noodles, salad, rolls, juice, and I was lazy and didn't make a dessert, and so I got OREOS:) I feel you cant ever go wrong with Oreos.
Wednesday Jake and I took our snowboards in to get waxed! Mine really needed it! I felt like it was dying on cat tracks and was past due. We ended up getting Jake his own socks, which he really needed and a super cute watch! We both loved it and thought this new watch would look great for his wardrobe!
 A week food favorite. Costco frozen eeg rolls dipped in soy sauce.
 Thursday, we built a fort and read books in it. Tuna and Little Bear hiding in there snuggle pod.
Friday, I made bow ties all day. When Jake got home from work we picked up his brother Cameron and had a bowtie photo shoot! It was so fun! Then we went to dinner at Gurus at got fries and then Betos and got carne asada burritos! YUM! Then I had an eyelash client and worked on uploading pics to my website! It was a great Friday!

Saturday we had a fun day! We relaxed and got some stuff done for my store. That was nice.  I posted 25 new mens bow ties! At 4 we met up with some friends Brett and Kenzie and had a great double date!
Doesn't all this food look like barf? Well, let me tell you, it looks nasty but it was awesome! Smoothies with chocolate chips, guacamole, boneless chicken wings, and cucumbers was our Sunday lunch! Sunday was great! Guess what?  I made some new friends at church that just moved in! So exciting! We made some fun plans so I am looking forward to that! And, we didn't have to teach in church today! That was so nice! Don't get me wrong, I love teaching, but sometimes its nice to have a break and get to be taught by someone else :)  After church we ate lunch, took naps and then that night we watched the Oscars. Guess what...this was my first time ever seeing them! It was fun! Then we worked on our LEGO bus that is taking forever, read and went to bed! Life is wonderful!

Lego Dino Stop Motion Video

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jake made his first stop motion video. I watched the whole time he did it. We didn't realize how fun this is, soooooo hopefully lots of more cheesy videos to come. We need to get our camera remote battery changed so it doesn't take blurry pics, but this is an awesome start! I LOVE DINOS!

Check out the Video! Its only 14 seconds long.... ;)

movies, noodles and lego!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tonight, Jake and I went on a fun double date with his co-worker Brett and his wife Kenzie. We had so much fun! First we started off at the movies and saw The Secret of Arrieti. It was cute. It is a Japanese cartoon, and Jake loves those!  So, that was fun! I got a large popcorn and smothered it in butter. I love going to the butter machine and watching the hot butter come out. I like to load my popcorn with butter! Tons and tons of it! I also got a yummy slurpie!
 After we went to Toys R Us and we all picked out a LEGO set! They happened to have tons of minifigures which was so exciting! So we searched through them for some time! I love minifigures!
I really wanted a dinosaur man and the boxer. Jake searched long and hard to find me them. Guess what, when we came home and opened the ones we was a dino man, and a boxer :)
 I thought these Hello Kitty PEZ were so cute! Anything Hello Kitty can be so cute. For dinner we ate at Noodles and Company! It was delicious! I love Noodles and Company. I got the side salad with my meal and loved it! I want to get that every time with my noodles!
Then we came home and started to get the LEGO party started! We ate a ton of gummy bears and needed lots of bowls because we all got BIG LEGO sets! Its so nice to find another couple to play with, and ones that both LOVE to do LEGOS to! What a great team!
Brett and Kenzie started to work on their aliens! The aliens in their set were soooo cool! The space ships were awesome to! I am thinking well have to get this set. Its pretty rad!
Jake and I started to begin on our Volkswagen we got at Downtown Disney LEGO store. I was excited that we finally got some time to get it put together! It looks like its going to be tuff though because there were tons of bags in the boxes and no numbers on them! The hardest part has been finding the pieces!

Sadly, we all got super tired and it was time to end the party. It was a great night! I am happy to have some married couple friends! This is awesome!
My cute new dino and boxer man! So cool!

Handsome Mens Bow Ties in the shop and 25% off!

Wahoo!!! Its official....MENS BOW TIES IN THE SHOP! and guess what? I am also offering 25% off your entire purchase! Just type in code: NAPTIME25 at check out!

mens bow tie - cream and black polka dots

mens bow tie - large red polka dot with cream background

mens bow tie - put a bird on it (peach, purple, hot pink, orange, white birds)

mens bow tie - print on white with hidden pops of color

mens bow tie - red, black, gray, white mini plaid

mens bow tie - bright yellow and blue stripes

mens bow tie - blue with white polka dots

mens bow tie - all orange

mens bow tie - white with small red polka dots

mens bow tie - solid aqua blue

mens bow tie - light green hounds tooth

mens bow tie - navy and white mini chevron

mens bow tie - yellow, red white unique plaid pattern

Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder

Friday, February 24, 2012

Monday at Barnes and Noble I found this beauty. I was cracking up when I saw the cover and read the description of the book and knew I had to get it! It is a super easy read, perfect for young kids with a sense of humor. It is the 1st book of 3.

It was a fun read from the start. I read the book in a few hours and was done! I loved that part. Sometimes I love an easy read, that makes me laugh out loud, and want to read the next book. I told my sister Cami she has to get these books for my nephew Gavin who is 8. They would be perfect for him!

The book is about 2 kids, Nilly and Lisa and a man named Doctor Proctor. It is how they all become friends and have fun inviting Fart Powder. Its comical and not gross at all. It all takes place in a little neighborhood in Norway. When people start finding out about the fart powder, and its power, some people become out of control and do crazy things to get there hands on it.

I am excited to start reading the next book, Fart Powder - Bubble in the Bathtub.

Good News

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Guess what??! For my church, I got called to be Assistant Director over Girls Camp this summer! I am sooo excited because I LOVE the girls in my ward! This will be super fun! Maybe I could be like Shelly Long in "Troop Beverly Hills" and sing "Kumbaya" around the camp fire (or a sweet hotel room). Now I have to go watch that movie. Its to good to pass up.

week wrap up - Presidents Day

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This has been a great and SUPER fun filled busy week! It was Valentines, we got to go to Disneyland and see my sister Amber and friends Aimee and Brandon. On our drive home from California we saw 2 huge horrible semi accidents. So scary. I was so grateful for our safety and hope those semi men are ok.
 I saw this and it made me happy :)
 Its been snowing in Utah. I LOVE when its winter and it snows, because its already cold out, so why not have some pretty white snow!
 Golden Spoon! Always a favorite!
 Our landlord was so sweet and got us chocolate covered strawberries as a welcome home from our trip!
We got home on Wednesday and Thursday I went straight to work to get things ready for Jake Birthday party on Saturday.
Thursday for dinner we ate at Noodles and Company! I love eating at Noodles. I have never ordered something from there I haven't liked.

Friday, Stacey was awesome and came over and helped me to the final touches on Jakes bday party stuff. That was fun to see her!
 Saturday was Jakes BDAY! We went to Firehouse subs for lunch! I got the club! It was delicious!
For dinner, Jakes parents were so cute and wanted to take Jake out for dinner! He choose Bombay House. Always a favorite! We love indian food!
Sunday I found this 1ft large chocolate LEGO man in my fridge. I made him and completely forgot about him to use for the party. I guess its ok because I messed up on his legs and got red chocolate in the blue. I think that is what made him unique though. Oh well.
For dinner Sunday, we made smoothies and grilled cheese. I have been obsessed with grilled cheese lately and have been eating one or more a day....
Monday Jake had the day off! It was wonderful! We stayed in bed all morning having a Project Runway All Stars Marathon. We started with episode one and caught up! Ok I had no idea, Heidi and Tim were not in it! Jake and I have very mixed feelings about them not being in the show. Bummer. I want Austin to win. He is a hoot.
 For dinner we went to In and Out Burger! Always delicious!
Then we went over to Barnes and Noble and picked out some books. haha look at this one I found! Of course I had to get it! I am so excited to start reading it!
 At Barnes and Noble I also saw these cute St. Patricks bears. I am such a sucker for stuffed animals.
Tuesday Jake and I went to Walmart in the evening. We saw an old friend Brad Heitmann! It was fun to see him!
 I love the holiday marshmallows! Bunnys and Eggs?! How exciting!!!! Too cute!
 Then we ended the night with OREOS!!! and milk and watching....
 Lady and the Tramp. Guess what? This was my first time seeing this movie! I really dont think I have ever seen it all the way through before! It was really cute! I am really puppy hungry now!
Tuna got a new friend at Walmart! He named him little bear. I think he is sooo cute!