Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder

Friday, February 24, 2012

Monday at Barnes and Noble I found this beauty. I was cracking up when I saw the cover and read the description of the book and knew I had to get it! It is a super easy read, perfect for young kids with a sense of humor. It is the 1st book of 3.

It was a fun read from the start. I read the book in a few hours and was done! I loved that part. Sometimes I love an easy read, that makes me laugh out loud, and want to read the next book. I told my sister Cami she has to get these books for my nephew Gavin who is 8. They would be perfect for him!

The book is about 2 kids, Nilly and Lisa and a man named Doctor Proctor. It is how they all become friends and have fun inviting Fart Powder. Its comical and not gross at all. It all takes place in a little neighborhood in Norway. When people start finding out about the fart powder, and its power, some people become out of control and do crazy things to get there hands on it.

I am excited to start reading the next book, Fart Powder - Bubble in the Bathtub.

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