thai food, party at Ambers, hot tub and valentines cookies

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday was a great day! When we came out of church we saw a crane! I thought it was so neat! I have never seen one in person before!
                          We also saw really pretty roses. California is always so pretty year around.
                 For lunch we went to Newport to go to a place Aimee and Brandon like called Thai Spice.
                                                       Jake and I got egg rolls and pad thai!
                                                        We all really enjoyed our food!
I really enjoyed the pretty drive down the PCH. After eating we went home and Jake and I feel asleep and Aimee and Brandon watched "Breaking Dawn" again.
Amber was so sweet and had us over for dinner1 She did everything all by herself and it was amazing! I LOVE seeing my sister Amber! She always makes me so happy! I feel I could never get enough time in visiting her!
Cute Bryce and Brandon.
Amber was so cute and even got us all our own valentines! Hello Kitty...she knows me to well :)
                                     After eating some yummy cake and hanging out we took off.
Drinking root beer in the hot tub. I love the hot tub!
Then we finished off the night eating cookies and watching "My strange addictions, and Hoarders." Oh those shows are horrible! It made me feel so bad for all those people and always want to clean my house! Then we went to bed in anticipation to wake up in the morning for.......DISNEYLAND!

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