week wrap up - Presidents Day

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This has been a great and SUPER fun filled busy week! It was Valentines, we got to go to Disneyland and see my sister Amber and friends Aimee and Brandon. On our drive home from California we saw 2 huge horrible semi accidents. So scary. I was so grateful for our safety and hope those semi men are ok.
 I saw this and it made me happy :)
 Its been snowing in Utah. I LOVE when its winter and it snows, because its already cold out, so why not have some pretty white snow!
 Golden Spoon! Always a favorite!
 Our landlord was so sweet and got us chocolate covered strawberries as a welcome home from our trip!
We got home on Wednesday and Thursday I went straight to work to get things ready for Jake Birthday party on Saturday.
Thursday for dinner we ate at Noodles and Company! I love eating at Noodles. I have never ordered something from there I haven't liked.

Friday, Stacey was awesome and came over and helped me to the final touches on Jakes bday party stuff. That was fun to see her!
 Saturday was Jakes BDAY! We went to Firehouse subs for lunch! I got the club! It was delicious!
For dinner, Jakes parents were so cute and wanted to take Jake out for dinner! He choose Bombay House. Always a favorite! We love indian food!
Sunday I found this 1ft large chocolate LEGO man in my fridge. I made him and completely forgot about him to use for the party. I guess its ok because I messed up on his legs and got red chocolate in the blue. I think that is what made him unique though. Oh well.
For dinner Sunday, we made smoothies and grilled cheese. I have been obsessed with grilled cheese lately and have been eating one or more a day....
Monday Jake had the day off! It was wonderful! We stayed in bed all morning having a Project Runway All Stars Marathon. We started with episode one and caught up! Ok I had no idea, Heidi and Tim were not in it! Jake and I have very mixed feelings about them not being in the show. Bummer. I want Austin to win. He is a hoot.
 For dinner we went to In and Out Burger! Always delicious!
Then we went over to Barnes and Noble and picked out some books. haha look at this one I found! Of course I had to get it! I am so excited to start reading it!
 At Barnes and Noble I also saw these cute St. Patricks bears. I am such a sucker for stuffed animals.
Tuesday Jake and I went to Walmart in the evening. We saw an old friend Brad Heitmann! It was fun to see him!
 I love the holiday marshmallows! Bunnys and Eggs?! How exciting!!!! Too cute!
 Then we ended the night with OREOS!!! and milk and watching....
 Lady and the Tramp. Guess what? This was my first time seeing this movie! I really dont think I have ever seen it all the way through before! It was really cute! I am really puppy hungry now!
Tuna got a new friend at Walmart! He named him little bear. I think he is sooo cute!


  1. Looks like some fun was had for sure! I'm loving the store security pic...hilarious!!! XO, Aimee

  2. That looks so fun! All those food pictures are making me so hungry!


  3. I totally love all these happy pictures....and thanks for the sweet comment....they always make me smile! xoxo
