movies, noodles and lego!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tonight, Jake and I went on a fun double date with his co-worker Brett and his wife Kenzie. We had so much fun! First we started off at the movies and saw The Secret of Arrieti. It was cute. It is a Japanese cartoon, and Jake loves those!  So, that was fun! I got a large popcorn and smothered it in butter. I love going to the butter machine and watching the hot butter come out. I like to load my popcorn with butter! Tons and tons of it! I also got a yummy slurpie!
 After we went to Toys R Us and we all picked out a LEGO set! They happened to have tons of minifigures which was so exciting! So we searched through them for some time! I love minifigures!
I really wanted a dinosaur man and the boxer. Jake searched long and hard to find me them. Guess what, when we came home and opened the ones we was a dino man, and a boxer :)
 I thought these Hello Kitty PEZ were so cute! Anything Hello Kitty can be so cute. For dinner we ate at Noodles and Company! It was delicious! I love Noodles and Company. I got the side salad with my meal and loved it! I want to get that every time with my noodles!
Then we came home and started to get the LEGO party started! We ate a ton of gummy bears and needed lots of bowls because we all got BIG LEGO sets! Its so nice to find another couple to play with, and ones that both LOVE to do LEGOS to! What a great team!
Brett and Kenzie started to work on their aliens! The aliens in their set were soooo cool! The space ships were awesome to! I am thinking well have to get this set. Its pretty rad!
Jake and I started to begin on our Volkswagen we got at Downtown Disney LEGO store. I was excited that we finally got some time to get it put together! It looks like its going to be tuff though because there were tons of bags in the boxes and no numbers on them! The hardest part has been finding the pieces!

Sadly, we all got super tired and it was time to end the party. It was a great night! I am happy to have some married couple friends! This is awesome!
My cute new dino and boxer man! So cool!

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