MY NEW HAIR CUT :) before and after...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I have felt its been time for a change..maybe because I look like this every day and didn't do my hair, so I thought short hair would be fun for a change! Jake thought it sounded fun too, so I made a hair appointment with Shep at Shep Studio. I know he likes to cut short hair and is known for it, so I knew I would be in good hands.
 Doing the initial cut before getting my hair washed.
 If you are wondering if my old pony tail hair is in that black bag...the answer is yes! 
All done! I have short hair now! It was fun because I got to buy some hair product like wax, and moisture items that normally with long hair wouldn't buy! I think I am going to like this short hair business! I just need to grow my bangs out a little bit to reach the bang side sweep I want :)
Me and my old pony tail. My pony tail was 12 inches long, so I sent it off to "Locks of Love" so someone else could have some cute Kelsey hair too. I am excited for a fun new change and to enjoy short hair, which I have never really had before (this short) Wahoo!
Jake kept taking pictures of me doing things, but it got some angles on the hair do... I am excited to take a shower and try to use hardly any shampoo and conditioner!


  1. Kels it is adorable!!! Love it!! So freakin cute!

  2. love it! short hair looks good on you!! :D

  3. LOVE IT! You can totally rock anything!!! so cute!

  4. kelsey you are a babe!!! you look so good :)

  5. You have this magical way of looking awesome because it is just a Kelsey thing. Totally cute do. Courageous too :) XO Auntie Randy

  6. KELSEY!!!! You did it!! You have serious guts!! But it was so worth it!! I seriously LOVE it! Actually I love it MORE than your long hair- it looks sleek and stylish without trying too hard. I love the bangs just the way they are and your face looks awesome- beautiful Kels! So fun!
