Jakes Lego Birthday Party Pictures

Monday, February 20, 2012

Wahoo! Jake turned 32 on Saturday! So exciting! I am not going to lie...I wish we had more friends that lived in Utah that could play with us and come to our parties :) We had a great time though, and are grateful for the family and friends we have that do live close to us! Thanks so much for those that came and helped make Jakes 32nd birthday and awesome one! 
We had an awesome LEGO party! It was so much fun!!! If you want to see all the fun decorations and activities from the party...click here :)
 Claire eating a LEGO man chocolate.
 Getting started on building our cars!
 Everyone got bags with stuff in them to make their own LEGO car!
Nathan and Dad working on their cars.
 Brett and Kenzie made some awesome cars!
 Everyone playing LEGO Bingo!
 Thanks everyone for coming! It was an awesome success!
 Time to sing happy birthday!
 What a cute guy! I LOVE that smile.
 Blowing out the candles...........
and making a wish..........HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKEY! I love you! So happy I got to spend your birthday day with you :)


  1. Wow! You are so creative and talented. I love your blog and you guys look like the most fun couple ever!

  2. WOW HOW FUN your kids are GONNA LOVE YOU GUYS and have the best parties and no one will ever want to leave your house haha!

  3. haha ky i remember that, love it. k bang for life!
