LEGO minifigures series 6 complete set :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Jake and I went to go to Target to get some paddle boards and googles to go swimming, and of course we found much, much more! We found the new LEGO minifigures series 6 out! We bought 16 of them in hopes to see what we would get! (secretly hoping we got 16 different ones...)
 The new white wrapper.
all the possibilities......
We were so excited when we got home to open up our minifigures we ran in the house and opened them one by one!
Here is what we got out of 16 packages!
2- Flameco Dancer
1- Lady Liberty
3- Clockwork Robot
1- Sleephead
1- Skater girl
2- Intergalactic Girl
1- Leprechaun
3- Classic Alien
1- Minotaur
1- Highland Battler
Overall it was pretty good odds, but of course  bummed to get more duplicates! I really wanted the Genie, so well have to keep trying....or find them on ebay :)
Ok, Saturday we couldn't resist, and ran back to Target to look for the missing minifigures to our set. We ended up running into a guy there who was awesome at feeling through the packages! He helped us get the last 6 we needed!
Our first complete set of minifigures! Wahoo! I think every time we buy mini figures, we still just buy random bags because its no fun knowing whats inside the bag you get. But I am glad we got the whole series 6 set! Wahoo!

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