weekly update - in CA

Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday, my family and I took off for California! Wahoo! It was a beautiful drive! We had so much fun in AZ, I was excited to go to California!
I got to drive with my Mom, Lindy and Reid! It was such a fun drive! The kids were so good the entire time! I would take them for a trip anyday!
We stopped and got some lunch at Carls Jr. I have not been there in so long, and I loved it! I will be wanting to go there again soon! The fried zucchini was awesome!
I love passing the windmills! There are so many of them and they are so neat!
Reid loving on grandma after a good road trip!
Amber and her family was already  in California with their cute puppy dog Buddy. All the kids were sooo excited to see Buddy! He got so much love this trip!
Chicken nuggets for dinner!!!
Amber got us some Krispy Kremes! She loves us!
Tuesday started off strong with some fun TV watching! Here is cute Bree!
Pick up Sticks for dinner! YUMMMM! Some of my favorite Chinese food ever!
Wednesday I got to play with Reid for a bit! He is such a ham! I cant get enough of him! He loves playing with Buddy! (so do all the other kids to :)
I LOVE these pictures! I love that Reid will pose for me in pictures! So dang juicy!
Grape face!
Mallory and Bree picked me a pretty pink flower! I love it!
Say Cheese! Alyssa was adorable this trip. She has really developed her own sense of fashion and picks out the cutest outfits all by her self! She also loves to wear swim suits all day long ;) She has the cutest little body!
Bree loving on Buddy.
Reid loving on Buddy.
Mallory and Reid playing on the magnet potato heads.
Cookie time!
Hayley being such a cute mom! Helping Reid make some markings on him cup so he knows its his :)
Amber took Bryce, Gavin, Morgan and I out for some Starbucks and Walmart toys! She is always so thoughtful and sweet! Amber is such a generous and loving lady! I LOVE her!
Everyone with there treats they picked out! Mostly items of war for a Hunger Games Battle.
Thursday started off great with some Gameboy time! My new cabbage catch doll Amber got me, really liked the game.
One thing I love about California is the snails! Mallory and Bree were liking them to! I love this picture!
 Thursday night was so fun! I got to go on a date night with just my mom! We went shopping, ate dinner at Wahoos Tacos, saw The Amazing Spider Man, and got some Golden Spoon for desert! It was a grand night! I love date nights with my mom! She is so wonderful to spend time with!
Friday morning, my mom and I took a beautiful walk to the beach! This is one of my favorite walks ever! I love the beach!
 My cute mom!
 A neat tree we saw with cool purple blossoms of some sort.
 When we got home, Hayley and Aubrey had made a yummy PB and J lunch! YUM!
 After lunch, I packed my bags, said my goodbyes, and mom took me to the airport. I was sad to leave my family, but sooooooo excited to get home to see my Jakey. I missed him so much!
 Got a burger at the airport before my flight home!
 Jake came and picked me up from the airport. He is so cute. He was so excited to see me, he got to the airport 3 hours early :) I love that he always comes inside and helps me with my bags.
 After the airport, Jake took me shopping! We had some fun! I love my husband!
 Saturday morning, I woke up to these beautiful flowers on the kitchen table.
Saturday was a big day preparing and getting things ready for girls camp! I had a meeting and Stacey G. made a yummy breakfast! When I got home from my meeting, Jake had made me breakfast to! Oh he is so cute! So I got to eat yummy waffles to! Then I had an eyelash client, and lots of shopping and random things to do from getting home from a trip!
Sunday, our ward gave out the Book of Mormons I made for the girls for girls camp. Jake was such a gem and took the time to wrap every single one so nicely! While I was out of town, he took care of my online store. He was amazing at getting orders out everyday!
I tried to take a nap on Sunday and this is what happened...So needless to say..no nap. But thats ok, I had alot to do! Such a wonderful week! So happy to be sleeping in a bed again!

Christmas in July SALE! 25% off everything

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wahoo! Can you believe its already July???!! Christmas is in 6 months! Wahoo! Well, lets celebrate!!!! To celebrate I am doing 25% off my entire store for one week!
click here to enter the sale :) 
Sale goes from, today July 25 to August 1st!
Use code "july25" at check out to get your 25% off!
Thanks so much for stopping by :)
Come check out new....
-stuffed animals, narwhals, squids, penguins, elephants
-bow ties for boys, toddlers, and adults
-mini wallets

a day at the park

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

On Monday, my family and  I got to come to California! This is the first time in a year since we have all 5 Bang girls together! Wahoo! Tuesday, we spent a super fun day at La Paz Regional Park. It is beautiful, has tons of areas to play, climb, sit and relax under shade, tons of gazebos with tables, playgrounds, just overall awesome! There is also tons of geese and ducks all around! Watch out for poop....
For lunch we picked up lots of buckets of KFC! Oh it was so delicious and perfect for a day at the park!
I can not get enough of Lindy! Everything about her is perfect! Her little noises, her cute toes, big blue eyes, smiles, everything!
Such a happy, sweet girl!

All the kids, and some new friends they made at the park, playing in the river.
Shane, Mallory, Brandon in the back, Bryce, Gavin, Dean.
My cute sister Amber.
I just love little Reid!
King of the rock.
Throwing feathers in the pond.
This picture just melts my heart. My 2 favorites :) Lindy and Tuna.
Giving Tuna a little kiss :) She is going to be a great mommy!
I love this picture of Shane! He has the cutest smile ever! We had so much fun at the park! We played there for 5 hours had a blast!