Spy School by Stuart Gibbs

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

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I will have to admit.....I was shocked by Spy School after reading it, and loved it! I had actually seen this book at the book store and put it down several times because it didn't look like a good book to me. I read the "about the book" and wasn't intrigued so I moved on. I recently read Stuart Gibbs book Belly Up and loved it, so I thought I should give Spy School a try.

Wow, I was so wrong. From page 1 the book was AMAZING! Just like Belly Up, the story starts right away! The main character Ben Ripley is introduced to Spy School and goes to school right away! From his first moments at school, to his on going moments at school, they are all so intense! There is an on going mystery during the story on trying to find out who really is a assassin.  It makes you wonder about all the people Ben Ripley are meeting at school. Are they really a teacher, friend, bully, or are they maybe....the ASSASSIN! All the way to the end of the book I was guessing! Who was a double agent at the school.

The entire book was a mystery to me. I could not put the book down till I finished it! It was very well written, easy to follow along. I really grew to like all the charters in the book. When the book finished, it ended well, but made me want to keep reading. I am secretly hoping Stuart Gibbs makes a sequel to this book! I feel he ended the book, as if there could be a sequel! I highly recommend Spy School!

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