weekly update - wow its 2013!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New year! WOW 2013 here we are! Cant wait to see what this year has in store!

This is going to be a huge and long weekly update...Its for the last 2 weeks. I have been so sick lately I have been behind in the blog world.  Lately, it was Christmas, Jakes brother came home from a mission in France, I have become a shopaholic again, I eat all day, it all feels like a blob. :) A good blob! Heres some pictures from the past 2 weeks! 
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
Tuna helping me sew, beat my record 2 times in one day on Ticket to Ride, Jake and ate at the Olive Garden one afternoon.
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 Saw the Hobbit at the Movie theaters! It was amazing!
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 I finally have been getting back into reading! Wahoo! I love getting new books!
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 Christmas was AWESOME! We got to spend it with Jakes family this year, and had a great time!
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 Sporting my new piggy socks I got in my stocking.
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
 TONS OF SNOW this week! In one day we got 8 inches in our front yard!
 Shopping at City Creek mall! Jake took Wednesday day off. It was so nice to have him home. We shopped, ate at Pandas Express, read books and played our GameBoys.
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
I am a shopping addict! Love my new shopping finds and some more books I am so excited to read ;)
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
Thursday and the rest of the week looked like this.......
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
I was sick most of the weekend, so Jake was sweet and took good care of me! I also got some reading done to!
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
I made new MI characters on my gameboy for Jake, Tuna and I. I liked how they all turned out!
fashion blog, fashion blogger, style blog, style blogger, mens fashion, mens fashion blog, mens style, mens style blog, womens style blog, anthropologie ootd blog, anthropologie ootd, anthropologie, ootd, mens ootd, womens ootd,
Saturday, we hung out with Jakes family all day, and then headed on a group date! Jake and I were starving before dinner, so we grabbed some cupcakes to eat, and then headed over to Tucanos! More pics to come from that!

Sunday, was Jakes brother Wesley's Homecoming talk in church! He did fantastic! Pictures coming from that soon to!


  1. All of that good is making me hungry! It all looks so delicious! happy new year!

  2. I have been a shopaholic too! It's been a bad 2 weeks on my bank account...especially when I made 2 seperate trips to Last Chance! Love that place.
    Your Hunter boots are adorable. Love the mint blue color. You should definetly do more posts with your shopping finds and deals :)
    I've been loving your outfit posts lately.

  3. I love your hunters and your matching pajamas :) And man, that's a lot of good looking food! Hope you're fully recovered now. Being sick sucks!
