Tony Caputo's

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog,
Tony Caputo's is one of my husbands favorite places to shop/eat/hang out/ get chocolate in Salt Lake. I will agree, the food is good, and the market it quite fun to look around. When mom was in town, one day we had an afternoon lunch here. 
food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog
I got the tomato and mozzarella sandwich. Its pretty much a caprezie! (is that how you spell that?)
food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog
Jake got a canolie for his dessert.
food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog
Walking around the market. Thats a tons of different olive options...
food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog
food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog
food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog
food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog
food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog
Jake loves looking at the chocolates  He always needs to get a few speciality chocolate bars! The chocolate comes from all over the world, all different coca counts, and different flavors! The prices range for $6.00 to $18.00 for these fun chocolate bars! Its pricey chocolate so you eat it one corner at a time :)
food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog, seattle, petunia the pig
food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog
Did you know Salt Lake had its own Petunia the pig just like Seattle's!? Well, her stance is different and she's a different color, but the have the same name, and both collect monies for charities :)
food blog, food blogger, food review, utah food review, gourmet grocery, tony caputo's, market, fresh fish, cheese cave,  fashion blog, fashion blogger, food blog, mens style, womens style, style blog


  1. What a great place to shop, I always shop at italina, greek and turkish markets. They have such a huge variety on olive and olive oil. Always use olive oil for cooking. I am also your new follower, feel free to stop by my blog anytime.

    xoxo Pakize

    Madame Keke

  2. This looks like fun! Husband and I will have to try it out sometime!


  3. i still have not been to tony caputos! we always talk about going but just never get the chance to go!
    i hear they have one of the best chocolates in the world!??
    and also, they have a cheese cave!?? i have a mild obsession with cheese.

  4. I love the pig! Didn't know we had one here! This place looks pretty cool and your sandwich is making me hungry!

  5. A place called Cheese Cave?! I think I just died a little :) Love all the photos and Petunia the pig is awesome :)

    The Other Side of Gray
