Weekly Update

Monday, March 25, 2013

utah sky, utah, clouds, outdoors, cloud, sky,
Wow, what a week! Thank you so much for so many new amazing followers and those of you who have been following me for quite some time! I love you all, and love hearing from you! Thanks so much! 
I havent done a weekly update in a while because my iphoto locked itself on me. Finally I got it fixed so I thought a weekly update would be fun to do :) This has been a great week over here! And a SUPER Busy one! The weather started so beautiful and sunny this week, and ended with snow! Utah weather is always all over the place during the spring. It will be nice and sunny out to wear sandals, and the next day you can be wearing rain-boots and a snow coat. I guess unique weather patterns make Utah fun to live in!
road bike, specialized bike, ultegra, helmet, tuna the monkey, tuna, bike riding, street bike
Jake and I busted out our bikes for the first time this year! That was quite exciting! We both enjoyed a chill bike ride and enjoyed the lovely weather outside! Cant wait to start riding them regularly when the sun is out more!
bow shoes, peep toes, floral shoes, citizens of humanity, waxed jeans, brown jeans, waxed pants
I wore peep toes all week till it snowed! That was exciting!
tuna, tuna the monkey, eggs, whipped eggs, bacon, costco, tortilla, tortillas, breakfast, breakfast in bed,
Jake made me breakfast in bed one morning. He is so sweet to me! I love him so much!
This month my family has a lot of birthdays, so Jake and I got out some bday cards to write some notes. I thought the cards were just so cute, I had to take a picture! My talented sister Amber made them.
bow shoes, european shoes, yellow bows, seafoam green shoes, shoes, designer shoes, brick wall, brick, yellow, green, tstrap, t strap shoes
eshakti, anthropologie, yellow and white stripes, stripes, target, target clutch, target clothes,
 I love online shopping! Anyone else?! I LOVE getting packages in the mail! I had ordered some shoes and some dresses, and they all fit! I love even more when the stuff you get in the mail fit great and you dont have to return or exchange them!
| Green bow shoes | White sandals | Yellow Dress | Bird Dress |
bumble and bumble, professional hair care products,
I got my hair cut this week! Its crazy having short hair vs. long hair. I always thought when I had long hair...oh short hair must be cake and no maintenance (depending on the hair cut or style) but I thought in general short hair would be easier! Boy, was I way wrong! With short hair I am always getting a hair cut, and always have to wash it. I dont like to wash my hair much, but with short hair I have to wash it all the time. I guess that is better hygiene though, so thats a good thing... :)
The turtles are doing great! We have become crazy turtle people over here with 3 big tanks in the house. Currently the turtles are separated for a bit from Mr. T's last episode. That was a crazy day. You can read about it HERE if your up for an intese story! We are hoping to someday build a big pond in the backyard for the turtles to live in. That would be nice. Ill keep dreaming about it for now!
I made a penguin this week! I have made some in the past, but ran out of them and have not had time to make any new ones. I made this little guy and was so excited, right after I ran to the fabric store to go buy more fabric! I wanted to make some traditional black and white penguins, but then some fun colors too!
Here are some fun fabrics I got! I love spring time fabrics! They always come in the best colors!
This week was a lot of late nights! I used to be a big night owl, but ever since I got married I try to go to sleep the same time Jake does so we can be on similar schedules. This week that didn't happen. I was staying up till 6am and waking up at 10 everyday! I am a little pooped from this party week!
A lot of late nights = yummy late night snacks!
Snow in the yard. I am not going to lie! I was pretty excited about the snow! It melted way to fast! I dont know if I am ready to put away winter clothes yet! Its just to fun layering!
Have you ever tried bath bombs? I had never tried them before, but I love taking baths so I thought to try some out! They are pretty fun to watch fizz and pop in the water. I feel there is so much going on lately  my 30 mins time taking a bath and catching up on Project Runway on the ipad, is the best time ever!
Sunday night ended like this. Matching Mickey Mouse PJS, hanging out in the craft room, planning our week out, and watch Phineas and Ferb. A perfect end to the week :)


  1. I still cannot get over how precious you two are! A couple weeks ago the hubs and I busted out our bikes. But then 8 inches of snow got dumped on us. I like snow. But dammit the calendar says Spring, I want Spring! :) This weekend I spent it cuddled with my furbabies and cleaning house. Slightly uneventful. I want to wear my summer dresses already!

    The Nautical Owl

  2. Oh my goodness, I love your turtles! I have a water turtle, too. :) They're actually a lot higher maintenance than I expected, especially because I can't lift the tank when there is water in it by myself. But I love him so much! They're just so cute!

  3. Love your blog and love your cute little creations!


  4. Great photos! I love when my online purchases fit. I don't get excited about any of it until then. Cute turtles!


  5. I just started following you and I just adore your pictures and beautiful posts!!!!

    xo Dinah @ sunshine super glam

  6. Why do people always say that short hair must be so easy? Obviously they never had short hair, because there is no "just roll out of bed and go" when it isn't long enough for a ponytail. In fact, when I roll out of bed I generally have a cockatoo looking hairdo. Sexy! Your new cut is adorable!

    P.S. Phineas and Ferb is hilarious! My favorite episode is when the boys were playing junior hockey during a game intermission, and the mom forgot her camera so she is trying to buy a disposable camera from the gift shop. The store kid is like "what is a disposable camera?', "What's film?'.... So funny!

  7. I NEED THAT PENGUIN!! They are my FAVORITE animals and I adore that one!

    I love bath bombs...actually, I love everything Lush. The smells are so yummy and the fact that its all natural/organic makes me smile.


  8. I love that brick wall and that you & I share a deep love for whipped cream :-D

  9. Adorable recap! I love those peep-toe shoes - so cute!

  10. I'm so glad I came across your blog. I love that you and your husband both have great style and a strong relationship:)

