a trip to the Planetarium

Friday, March 29, 2013

plant, planetarium
A few weeks ago, Jake asked me to go on a special date. Of course I said yes! (I love that Jake still asks me on dates even though we are married now.)  Well, little did I know he wanted to recreate our very first date. Back in the day..Jake had gone running with me for 2 months straight every night before I said ok to go on an official date with him. How horrible am I?!  Well, on our first date Jake took me to the BYU Planetarium. I was so impressed because I told him on one of our late night jogs, that one of my favorite things was looking at stars. I love looking a night sky! I was impressed that Jake remembered that from going on our jogs. He is always so sweet and thoughtful still to this day. Soo....present time, Jake and I went to the BYU Bookstore, got some candy and went to watch the Planetarium show. It was so much fun! I got a chocolate covered carmel from the Bookstore and it was sooo yummy! I think the best part was remembering the fun time I had on our first official date. 
crystal, crystals, byu, byu campus
In the BYU Science building there are so many neat things to see and check out! Here are few of the cool stuff and animals we found!
fish, orange, fish, parrot fish, aquarium, fins, fin, mouth
It was a great evening! After the show we enjoyed a yummy dinner, and headed home. Such a fun evening for me! Do you have any dates you remember well or have a special place in your heart?!

1 comment

  1. So fun! I have never been to the planetarium! Look what I was missing- I will need to take my boys there. For me, beto's will always hold a special place in my heart- haha! That is where my husband and I we t one night after studying for a test and it was the first time we really bonded and started developing feelings for each other. I know, beto's is so romantic...
