I am a addict

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hi! My name is Kelsey and I have an addiction to buying stuffed animals.

Its funny how a love of something can become a small addiction. I have grown up loving stuffed animals and still love them to this day! I knew Jake and I bought a small amount of stuffed animals, but to see how many we have collected in just 2 years! (and this is not including our Christmas animals!) Getting out all the animal friends and looking at them all laid out I realized I have a little bit of a problem! Jake and I realized to we have a lot of doubles of some of our favorite stuffed animals. That probably means we have even more of a problem! We just have so much fun getting souvenirs,  going to Build a Bear, and buying stuffed animals, its more fun for us than anything! But seeing all the animals lined up, I feel bad they dont get the attention they should get, and also....to many stuffed animals can be a money pit. Time to do better ;)

Well I think the best thing to do is laugh, and play with my animal friends! And maybe I should be more thoughtful when I buy stuffed animals and think to myself....I cant provide a good home for the animal friend because he ends up in a bucket, let them get bought by someone who has kids, or can spend time with the animal friend.

At least when we have kids, we wont have to worry about our child not having any animal friends!
Jake was worried if I ever lost Tuna we would need a replacement (a very sweet thought on Jakes part). But Tuna can never be replaced, but here are his cute brothers :) 
Hope you all have a great day!


  1. Oh you are obsessed! I love your classic Mickey and your Hello Kitty. Maybe slow down and appreciate what you have right now? That way you give each one some attention.

  2. WOW! Lady, that's intense. Fun to see your kiddie side :)

    The Nautical Owl

  3. Hahaha, I think this is adorable! When I was younger the movie Toy Story really messed me up....I had a crazy amount of stuffed animals and I truly believed they came to life when I left the room, and after seeing that movie I got really paranoid about playing "favorites" to any stuffed animal in particular so I would sleep on my bedroom floor at night with all of them surrounding me so none would feel left out if I just chose one or two to go to bed with :)

  4. so fun! Lol. I still have a whole tub of beanie babies and a few other stuffed animals from when I was a kid that I cant bear to part with.

  5. One thing is for sure, Tuna will never be lonely! I'm not lying when I say that I see many a familiar stuffed animal amongst your crowd, because seriously, my kids have a lot of animals too (the top of my daughter's bunk bed is completely jam packed). A true but sad story for you... My dad had bought me a stuffed bunny when I was born. I brought him everywhere. His name was Timothy. One day in the third grade I snuck Timothy to school in my backpack. I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow Timothy must have fallen out because he was never seen or heard from again. I made posters and offered a reward, but Timothy had vanished. Saddest day of my young life!
