Best Lunch Date EVER!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

nordstrom, prada, prada cat eye, prada cat eye sunglasses, prada sunglasses, sunnies, fur coat, faux fur, diamond ring, diamonds, diamond, gold ring, engagement ring,  freckles, love story, date, romantic date,
A few weeks ago, Jake asked me in the evening, if I wanted to to go to lunch the next day with him. I thought that sounded really fun, so of course I said yes! The next day, I came and picked up Jake from work and we headed to lunch. We really wanted to eat at Wallaby's for some yummy food. All of Jakes coworkers had the same idea and were there for lunch too! So we sat with them, and had fun talking and hanging out with his co workers. 

After lunch, I wanted to take some funny pictures of Tuna around the restaurant  (Tuna is my monkey I take with me everywhere..) We were walking around Wallabys finding places to take Tunas picture. I took Tuna out of my bag, and held him up. I about freaked out because it looked like he had a bracelet on. I thought...where did he get that?  Then I realized it was a pretty ring that Tuna was wearing! Jake had surprised me with an amazing ring, and snuck it on Tunas arm for me to find it sometime that day! I about died with excitement when I saw the ring! I even shed a few tears. 

I have been wanting this ring for months! Before we bought our house, I saw this ring and wanted it so bad, but we were just buying a house, so a ring was a no go. After we moved in our house, I wanted it even more but, when you just buy a house, it takes a bit of time to figure out how much bills are and getting a handle on new finances. Jake and I recently went and looked for this ring, and the store was sold out. I was so sad. Jake said we could just get the ring made, but I was still sad.

Jake had some good ideas and called around to any store that might carry this ring. Jake found a store in Arizona (that had the last ring of this ever made...ahhh!), and called my sweet sister Amber.  My sister Amber drove to the store and picked up the ring, and shipped it off to Jake. She is the best! 

Well, Jake wanted this ring for my easter basket, but he knew I would be more than excited to get it, so he gave it to me early! I love my cute husband so much! He is so sweet to me. Well, thats my story on my super fun lunch date with Jake :) What a great day!
lunch date, date, food, all american food, pulled pork, roll, handmade roll, homemade roll, smashers, potato, onion, chives, sour cream, fully loaded, wallabys, australian,
Here was my yummy pulled pork lunch! I love at Wallabys, they have different flavors of bbq sauce to put on your meet that is so delicious!
tuna, tuna the monkey, ring bearer, engagement ring, great white shark, wallabys, diamond, gold
Taking pictures of Tuna at the restaurant. This is the picture I noticed Tunas "bracelet."
tuna the monkey, tuna, beanie baby, monkey, ty, angels, rally monkey, ring bearer, gold, diamonds, costco jewelry, ring, wedding ring, engagement ring,  date, lunch date
I guess you could say Tuna is an official ring bearer now.
cashmere white, granite, diamonds, wedding ring, engagement ring, unique ring, diamonds, vintage ring, vintage wedding ring, gold, diamonds and gold, hand model,
I love my new ring! And my cute husband Jake! What a lunch date!

Have you seen the giveaway yet for $1,000 big bucks!! If not, come check it out HERE!


  1. LOVE your ring-its beautiful! What a fun surprise :)

  2. That ring is so incredibly beautiful, and what an adorable way to surprise you! Now your monkey has extra special meaning. :)

  3. Yes. Yes. Please do tell me where you got that amazing ring. I WANT IT. You are so cute. I love your fur top, too. You're a cutie!


  4. Also, I think I love you. Like more than I ever have before. Because...I am absolutely obsessed with my monkey, too. His name is Monk Monk. I think him and Tuna would be good friends. Except he's never been a ring bearer. But he's been through a lot! And I've had him for 20 years. LOVE him. And Love you. And I now love Tuna. :)

  5. I love this ring! What a nice surprise.

  6. So fun! It's almost like getting engaged all over again.

  7. That ring is beautiful! So sweet!

    By the way, I'm new to your blog from the giveaway!

  8. beautiful ring!!! your hubs sound so romantic!


  9. That's the sweetest story ever! I love that ring and Tuna! Cuties

    Check us out at:

  10. Seriously! How cute is your husband! SO LUCKY! Beautiful ring, well worth the wait!

  11. Interesting blog!

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    have blessed day!
