a day on the playground

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday was a great day! The kids had a blast playing on the play ground for hours! Reid is quite the climber! He does a wonderful job climbing up and down things.
Keith and Reed going down the slide.
Hanging out on the tettor todder. ( I don't know how to spell...)
My cute mom!
Reid was a little to scared to go down the slide all by himself. Mallory is such a good older sister, she went down with him.
I LOVE these cute smiling faces! Ahhh.. and look at that cute little belly!
The plasma cars are always a hit! I even love riding them!
Reid has the cutest dimples ever!
Reid saw an airplane and was so excited about it!
Soo... I hit my head really hard on a cabinet corner and have a big egg on my head, so Mallory drew me a lovely picture of Hello Kitty and Tuna with her name sighed on it to make me feel better. It did make me feel so much better. My headache went away :)
I mentioned before this fabouls salsa lady that is a friend of my moms. Well, not only is her and her husband the salsa duo, they are the best burrito makers ever! My mom bought some burritos from then and holy canolie, they were delicious! I kept eating them all day! I love being home, not only do I eat sooo good, I love spending time with my parents and family. They always make me happy. I do miss Jakey really bad though. I think about him all the time! Its ok though, I get to go see him soon!

Now I think I will play some Nintendo and watch some Christmas movies with mom and Hayley!

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