California Holiday Boutique

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thursday and Friday my sister and I had a boutique! Amber does this ever year and I have no idea how she does it her self! She has a big fan club that came to support her each day! It was so wonderful to meet all her friends! I was so grateful Amber let me be part of it and bring my stuff I make to sell! Here are some pictures I took before the boutique started.
I thought having a boutique for two days would be a long two days, but they went by so fast! Each day was super busy! Amber was amazing! Thank you everyone who came and for the awesome turn out it was! This was a really fun time and I enjoyed it!
Ambers silly friend trying a million things on at a time! She was so cute!
I went to reach into my purse and saw Tunas hand up like this blocking the light out of his eyes. I was cracking up. Sometimes he does the funnest things and I don't know how he does it....

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