Arizona Sea Life Aquarium

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Today was another awesome rainy day here in Arizona! I really do love rainy days! They are so fun!

Well, this morning mom made us another  wonderful breakfast and then painted everyones nails.
Reid really wanted his done as you can tell here.  I haven't ever seen him sit this long or still. He was so cute and kept showing me his sparkle toes all day! I loved it and thought it was to cute! Cute little boys like Reid make me excited to have kids of my own someday.

After some manicures and pedicures we headed to Arizona Mills Mall to go to the Sea Life Aquarium! We were all excited to go!
Before we entered the aquarium we got lunch! If you eat in the food court at the mall and save your receipt you can get into the aquarium for $10.00, and I think kids free to? or like $5 bucks! It is totally worth it!
 Alyssa very excited to eat some french fries.
 Mom and Mallory. Kiss Kiss.
 Mallory is so cute. She took a very hard spill and bruised her knee really bad, so it was nice to see a smiling face on her. I really like this picture of Mom and Mallory.
 After lunch Reid wanted to go on the carouse wheel!
Then we made it over to the Sea Life Aquarium! Ok, let me just start off by saying, this was a fantastic aquarium! If you live in Arizona, GO to the Aquarium! It is great for all ages and tons of great things to see and do! Not only did the kids love it the whole time, I did to! They have wonderful displays and the whole thing is very well done.
They have a lot of petting pools full of starfish and hermit crabs that you can hold and touch! We went back to this part several times because the kids had so much fun playing with the star fish.
 My mom and I had fun reading all their "fin facts." There was lots of fun information on them all!
Lots of the exhibits had cool walkway wholes that you could see inside the fish tank like you were inside it swimming with the fishes.
 At the sting rays you could look at them from above, or below. Reid loved both options.
 My cute mom inside a fish hole inside a tank.
See what I mean about cute displays? Crabs inside of a crab tank!
Did you know male seahorses carry the baby eggs in a pouch until they are born? I loved how the sea horses wrap their tails and hang out on little plants.
Ok there are a few to many octopus pictures, but his octopus was so cool! His body was probably two of my thats one big octopus! And his legs were all so long! At least a couple feet long each. We were so excited when the guy started doing a show for us and  came out and played!
 Look at that intense yellow eye!
 Reid, Alyssa, Mallory playing and dancing.
 At he end of the aquarium there in an awesome playground! We played in there for an hour+!
 Jake likes squids, so I took this picture of a squid on the wall.
 There were even little aquariums in the play room that looked out into the mall! Cool!
 Coloring some pictures. We did under the sea pictures.
This was an awesome day at the aquarium! I want to go back again with Jake I loved it so much! Thanks AZ Sea Life for a fun day!

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