Cozy Minky Quilt

Friday, December 30, 2011

My mom was so cute and made each family there own cozy christmas quilt this year for Christmas!
 I LOVE the one she made for Jake and I! She made 5 different quilts, all with a variety of Christmas fabrics! I feel Jake and I got the cutest one :) I have never had a minky quilt of my own and never knew how cozy this fabric is! My next quilt I make I want to do a cotton front so I can do a cute quilting pattern and a minky back so the quilt will be extra cozy to snuggle with and have a nice weight to the quilt. I think this quilt will stay out year round, rather than just Christmas :)
This blanket is big and cozy for several people to use while watching a fun movie!
I like the variety of textures and prints of minky! I never knew there were so many options of this kind of fabric! So fun! Thanks mom for the awesome, thoughtful present!

1 comment

  1. AH you never fail to blow my mind! these are amazing so cute! and great job on the legos haha, that must have taken FOREVER! you two are the cutest couple ever i can hardly stand it. glad you found your perfect mr. :)!
