VEGAS with Jerry Seinfeld!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

When Jake and I left Arizona and headed back to Utah we made a stop in VEGAS! We love Vegas! We bought tickets to see Jerry Seinfeld three months ago and have been looking forward to this trip for some time. We love trying new hotels, so this time we stayed in the MGM. I am shocked to say..I think this may be one of my favorite Vegas Hotels.
Our room.
 Seeing the lions in the lobby.
One thing Jake wanted to make sure we did this trip, is go to the Coca Cola factory and try "tastes and flavors" from around the world!
We had a lot of fun trying the different flavors. We even rated them all and choose our favorite ones. We both thought the African Pine Nut was our favorite! It tasted like pina coloda. There were two that were nasty! I won't say which ones though..incase you go and try them for yourself! It was fun!
We then went shopping at Caesars Palace! I love the Forum Shops there! They have awesome stores! Then we grabbed a quick slice of pizza before we went to see Jerry!
AAHHHHH the show was awesome! I LOVE JERRY! He is so funny! I had no idea he is now married and has 3 kids?! Where have I been?! He put on a fully loaded two hour show! I would love to go see him preform again he is so great! and in this case Jerry, great does not = sucks.......
After the show Jake and I went to Max Brenners. We can't get enough of that place! We got some yummy food and our favorite chocolate heart dessert.
This was a wonderful trip! LOVED IT! LOVE VEGAS!

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