Morgans Choir Concert

Monday, December 12, 2011

 Today has been a fantastic day! Mom made us french toast with berries and buttermilk syrup for breakfast! She is the best! She always makes us the best food!
I got to hang out with baby Lindy for a little bit today. She is such a smiley baby! I love it!
I went to the fabric store to get some more fabric to start another quilt! I LOVE the fabrics I got for it!
I also bought this super cute bag at the fabric store! It matches my quilt that I am working on finishing!
Today has been a rainy day all day. I really enjoy rainy days. They always seem like cozy days to me.
In the evening, Hayley, Mallory, Reid and I took off to go to Morgans choir concert. When we left it was pouring rain so much I thought we were going to drive into a flood! Just kidding but it was really rainy.
Mallory was soooooooo excited to see Bree! They are the best of friends! Here we are at the concert waiting for it to begin.
It was really you can tell from the peicy wet, bangs.
Tuna and Dean really bonded.
Morgan is on the bottom right hand corner, second one in from the front row! She sang wonderfully! She had a smile on her face the whole time! She did awesome! I can't believe she is already in 5th grade. So crazy! I remember holding her in the hospital when she was a baby.
Morgan even had a cool speaking part! She did great!
After the concert we went to Cami and Jeffs house! There house was decked out in christmas decorations! It was so fun to see! Bree was so excited to show me a monkey she had that looked like Tuna. I asked her her monkeys name, and she said "Tuna." So cute!
I was so excited to see this candy advent santa hanging proudly in Camis house! I sewed this project when I was probably 9 years old. I was so happy to see it! I think my sewing projects from when I was little are so much cuter than things I try to make now :)
I went to go say hi to Mallory and Bree and this was on Brees door, and the door was locked. So funny! I could hear them inside playing stuffed animals.
Cami made us yummy brownie delight desserts!
Cami trying to win Reid over by feeding him brownies! Not a bad idea...
We had a great time tonight with Jeff, Cami, Morgan, Gavin, Bree and Dean. They are a wonderful family! Then Hayley and I had to head home to put her kids in bed.
On our way home, I got this picture message from Stacey pants! It made my night! I got her those footie pjs for christmas this year!
When we got home, we enjoyed a nice fire, I finished sewing the binding on my quilt and watched "Christmas Vacation." That movie never gets old! I think it is hilarious and defiantly a Christmas Classic.
                                                          All ready for bed. Night, Night.

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