sky, rocks, scooters and weddings.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Wednesday morning I met up with Aimee and her and I went to the fabric store to get her some fabric for a new quilt we were going to make! After we drove over to her house to get to crafting! It had just stopped raining, and the sky was brightening up and clearing up the rain. The clouds came out, and I couldn't stop taking pictures of the beautiful sky! I LOVE Arizona.
Aimee and I worked on our quilts ALL DAY. When I left at 7pm, we were both exhausted with tired backs and sore feet. hahah, that is pathetic. We were both laughing about it. We had so much fun crafting, talking and eating pizza!
 This is my finished quilt top! Now it is time to get the rest of the quilt ready and take to Betty.

When I got back home, mom and I made deliveries to take Christmas presents around. That was actually really fun and got to see some good people I have not seen in some time.
 Thursday morning we all hung out till mom and I got ready to go run some errands, and Hayley and Keith went to lunch with keiths family.

 Mom and I went to Rubios for Lunch!
Chopped chicken salad! It was a a good day of fun errands and more presents dropped off. We even got to go to Bettys and drop off my quilts! Which I was super excited about! I can't wait to get them back in a few weeks and finish them up!

Thursday night my moms ward had an enrichment night. It was fantastic. It was a great dinner and then a wonderful musical display by Julia Ryan. She is amazing. She wrote the music and put the performance together with some singers from the ward and it was fantastic!
Friday morning, Reid was so excited to show me the rocks he picked out with grandpa the night before. Mallory was so excited to show me to! They both had a huge bag of rocks they picked out of grandpas rock collection. Reid would take each rock and show me and say "beautiful." It was so cute!
 Reid putting away his rocks one by one.
Mom made us an awesome breakfast! She is the best! Reid and Mallory invited their rocks to breakfast as well.
 Reid walking the razor. He ventured to ride on it a few times but it didn't go so well. He liked walking it the best.
 Cute Mallory scootering around.
 All of us hanging out by the Christams tree by baby Lindy. Do we look board? haha
Friday night, Aubrey had us over for dinner after a fantastic Trolley Ride! Look at these cute cupcakes she made!
Aubrey did a fantastic job decorating her home for the holidays! Each of her kids had a christmas tree in their room! Alyssa was sooo excited to show me hers!
 Shane was so excited to show me the light show in his room!
 Yummy chili soup for dinner!
After a great time at Aubrey and Davids my mom and I went over to Garret Gaddies wedding reception. It was a great time, but the whole time I was thinking I should be at Heathers! The reception went great. I have known Garret since I was born. We grew up next door neighbors for years.
Jake was so cute and went to Heather and Tanners wedding reception by himself in Utah. What a cute boy! He said he had a great time playing with Marin and Drew. Ok I LOVE Heathers dress! She looks so beautiful and happy! I am sooo excited for her new marriage! Wahoo! It was also her birthday today to! Jake got to talk to her for a bit and said the day went awesome and she was so excited to be married! Congrats Heather and Tanner, I really do wish I could of been there.

When mom and I got home from the night, dad, Hayley, Keith, mom and I all sat around the fire and talked the night away. I love relaxing evenings. I still can't believe christmas is not this Sunday but the next! That is sooo soon! Where does the time fly....

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