We got there just in time to watch the firework show! We had a great spot to sit and enjoyed the show.
These falling fireworks are my favorite! Also the shooting star ones!
At the end of the fireworks, it snowed! Disneyland is amazing. How magical to be a little California kid that has never seen snow and see it snow! COOL! Disney always does it right!
When Disneyland was closing, we made our way over to Downtown Disney!
We had so much fun playing in all the shops and seeing all the cool Disney memorabilia. Amber got some awesome Christmas presents for her boys!
To top off the night, Amber and I went to our favorite place to eat in Downtown Disney......The Rain Forest Cafe! Amber and I love the same kinds of food! We each got a strawberry virgin dacory, and buffalo chicken fingers and fries! Oh delicious! I always love a good meal at 12 in the morning! There is something so fun about eating late! This was such delicious food!
When we got home it was 2am! We partied hard! When we got home I was supriseingly awake, so I cleaned the house and packed up all my goods to leave in the morning. I was so sad to leave Amber and her cute family, but was sooo excited to get home to AZ because Hayley and Keith and there family were going to be home when I got there!
Saturday I had a great drive home! I love driving by the windmills.
When I got home, Hayley, Keith, Mallory, Reid and Lindy were all there! Whoop Whoop! So exciting! I got to play with them and have a good time! We colored for awhile and ate lots of chips and salsa! I love playing with family! Such a great time!
It was so fun, my sister Cami came over around 8 o clock and her, mom, Hayley and I played till around 10:30. Then Cami had to go home and my sister Aubrey came over! We had fun playing with her till about 2 am. Then Hayley and I stayed up till 4am. Whoops, a little late, but it was soo much fun! I LOVE my sisters! They are the best!
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