Christmas Trolley Ride

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Every year my family goes on a trolley ride around Las Sendas to look at Christmas lights! I have not been able to go because usually this time of the year I am finishing up school, but this year being done with school...I was able to go! Wahoo! Here we are getting ready to go for a fun time on the trolley.
 Look how cute these trolleys are!
 Gavin and I drinking some hot chocolate.
 They provide hot chocolate and cookies! yeah!
 Hayley, Mom, Lindy and Reid (I love Reids angry face in this.)
 Cami and Dean.
 Aubs and Shane.

The trolley drives around neighborhoods and you get to see christmas lights! It is really fun! We all sang lots of christmas songs and enjoyed the lights.
 Morgan singing us silent night.
 Thanks Ollie the Trollye! We had fun! If you live in AZ you should go to this! It is fun! I think you just call the Las Sendas club house and sign up! It is $3.00 a person.
Enjoying some yummy hot cocoa! What a wonderful evening to get us into the Christmas spirit!

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