Spring time is in Session

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

In our yard, we have been having the prettiest flowers! I feel so proud of them, like I do all the work to take care of them..but in truth...I have done nothing. I just look at how pretty they are everyday! Our landlord is awesome and does all the yard work. She does a great job keeping up our home so lovely. 
Jake cuts a couple of flowers each day and puts them in a vase so we can enjoy the flowers inside the house to! So lovely.

weekly update

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Wahoo!
Well, this last week was a good week and a busy one!
On Monday, I finally took a load of clothes to the dry cleaners....I need to start finding clothes that are not dry clean only.
When Jake got home from work we went and got food at Taco Bell. Then we went over to our church to help clean it. Every couple months we get to help clean! It was a great time and we got to meet some new people!
After cleaning, Jake and I tried a new cupcake place to us called Cupcake Chic. It was cute inside and had a fun selection. We liked there cupcakes and they were delicious! Here we have a key lime cupcake, white chocolate raspberry, and red velvet. I think Cupcake Chic does a really great job with presentation and looks of each cupcake. The only thing is, I would have to crave them at a certain time. They are very dense and full cupcakes so its alot of cupcake, but its still really good.
Tuesday I finally finished my elephant army of 60 elephants. They all didn't fit on this table...I am so glad to have them all done. I think its safe to say...I am pooped of making elephants for the moment :)
Wednesday I picked up my dry cleaning. It was a grand total of $132.00. I am glad I dont dry clean very often.....I am fine wearing my clothes several times before I wash them...unless I get sweaty ;)
The rest of Wednesday I chilled in my pjs and watched TV. It was wonderful :)
Two movies Jake ordered came in the mail. He loves these Japanese style movies. I saw Arrietty and it was great! It was a super cute movie. I am excited to watch Whisper of the Heart.
Wednesday night I got to got to dinner with my friends Tana and Lizza from my church. They are so chill and down to earth, I love spending time with them! We went to Milawis Pizza. I got a thai pasta, and it was soooo delicious! I LOVED it! I havent loved everything I have ordered from this place before, so I was glad I found a winner!
I love when people are so nice! I met Nancy at the last Queen Bee Market I did and she was so kind. I thought seeing this on instagram was so awesome! It seriously made my day! Thanks to so many of you who are always so sweet to me and helping my crafting dreams come true!
Thursday I got my hair done! Wahoo! I love getting my hair done... except for the price...but I do like getting a fresh cut and color! I got some new hair products and I am excited to give them a shot.
Thursday night, my friend Diana and I tired to meet up with a bunch of bloggers and online shop owners..but sadly no one came. Kinda funny. But thats ok. We will try again because we both want to meet some new friends!
 Friday, I ate tons of cupcakes, and got things ready for an upcoming boutique! For some reason...I kinda enjoy counting inventory. Maybe because I get excited to see what is missing after a boutique :)
Friday night, Jake and I went on a date to Shoga for some sushi. We were both so sad that the food was was to greasy and not super fresh and yummy. :( Jake and I really eat anything and love everything, so we were both surprised when we didn't like the food. We have had good experiences at Shoga, but I dont think we will be going here any more :( We came home and were both feeling...quite sick all night :(

Knowing Jake and I, we will have to try Shoga again to see if it was a one time deal or not. We will order different items that we got tonight...

Local Inspire :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

This lovely handout was designed and made by my new friend Diana who I met at the last Queen Bee Market I attended. She was also a vendor at the market! Diana has a super cute Etsy shop and an awesome blog :)

Diana, myself and our friend (also met at QBM) Julie wanted to meet up with some other people who have online stores to chat about ideas, marketing, advertising and that kind of stuff! So we invited some people and planned a date!
 I picked up cupcakes from The Sweet Tooth Fairy for treats....
I was so excited to have this event at my house. I was sad when it was Diana and I. I was excited to meet with Diana, but we were both excited to meet new people to. We were just bummed that 8 people said they were going to come, and none of them came :( I guess thats life... Hopefully next time we do this more people will come :) I did have fun playing with Diana and talking to her :) I am glad we still had fun talking and eating lots of cupcakes :)
Thanks Diana for a lovely evening! If anyone ever wants to come join for a fun, relaxing girls night and to talk about online stores and blogs... let me know :)

Recent Purchases :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

I LOVE to shop. Its bad. But.... I think like a lot of people...I really enjoy some shopping time! Jake and I were at Nordstroms and saw these jeans...and HAD to get them. I got them a few weeks ago in yellow and pink.....so I knew right away I would LOVE the green ones. I think sometimes when you find a good thing..you might as well stick with it and get a few pairs :)
I also got this necklace. I used to wear jewelry (way overloaded) all the time and havent been wearing jewelry for a few years. I guess I got burnt out from so much bling :) I thought it was time to start wearing jewelry again so I could mix up my wardrobe a bit more! Jewelry is so fun, and this necklace will be a start!
I got my ears pierced back in September and have not been wearing any exciting earrings except my Hello Kitty earrings that I got my ears pierced in. I thought I would start small with these studs so my ears dont think they are going to fall off yet with dangly earrings. (I love dangling earrings though...so I will get there someday soon.)

I am happy and excited about these new purchases! Wahoo! I LOVE shopping! Wouldn't it be fun to have unlimited money to go shopping everyday all day?!

my new doo

Friday, May 25, 2012

My new doo! I was missing straight across bangs and had to get them again. Now I have a moppy 60ish hair cut! I also dyed my hair. I love getting a fresh new color! I got my hair cut from Shep. He is awesome!
I got some new hair product to! I am excited to try these new Bumble and Bumble products. They recently just came out with new items for colored hair...so I am excited to see how they do. They say the shampoo and conditioner makes it so you dont notice your color fading.... because it wont. So..I hope this is the case :)

short hair styles

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Now that I have short hair, I find myself always looking at pictures of short hair styles. I can never if I decided want to grow it out or cut it shorter. Its funny with short hair that you have to grow your bangs, or the back, or sides of your hair to reach a certain hair style. Here are a bunch of short hair I really like :) And not to mention...most of these lovely ladies outfits to :) I need to decided what to do at my hair for my upcoming hair appointment :)

total eclipse of the heart...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

cheesy? I couldn't help myself! Every time an eclipse comes around, all I think about is the song......Total Eclipse of the heart. Jake was sooo excited about the eclipse! He made me come out side with him every hour to check the progress of the moon covering the sun. We had fun. Here are some pictures from it :)
I thought Jake did a great job on these pictures! Pretty neat! I am glad we got to see the Eclipse!