a great start to our week in DC: Horace and Dickies Fried Fish!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

 Breakfast at 6am before leaving for the airport....
Breakfast at the airport at 9:30. I guess thats what I get for eating Oreos for breakfast....another good breakfast to tide me over till lunch :)
Last week, Jake and I had an awesome time in DC! We even got to stay in downtown DC so we wouldn't miss any of the fun action going on! We left early Tuesday and had a long day of traveling! When we got to DC, wow, the sky looked amazing and it was so warm and sunny out, I changed right away when we got to the hotel into a dress with NO tights! It was awesome! Bye winter weather :)
Taking the Metro to our hotel. Like my new puppy dog? Jake got him for me at the airport as a treat for waking up nicely. Jake is so sweet to me. (normally I am nice when I wake up...but I am not easy to wake up in the morning.) So I got a treat at the airport! I picked out this cute puppy dog named Cookie, and a shark hand puppet. Tuna is now really good friends with all of them!
Our hotel room! I LOVED where we stayed! Jake did an awesome job picking out a hotel. We stayed at Embassy Row Hotel in Dupont Circle. Dupont Circle was awesome to! So close to the Metro, tons of good food, places to see and things to do there! It is said that the area is made after Irish influences. With all the Irish pubs around, I could say I agree. I would  only say a short block or so would resemble Ireland, but I still loved it all!
 View out our hotel window.
Last time Jake was in DC he went to place called Horace and Dickies! He loved it so much, he wanted to eat there again. So after a long flight, we thought a good 20 minute walk to dinner would be worth it! So we took the metro as far as we could, and then got ready for a walk.

 Beautiful night clouds!
My dream home! Look inside at all the fun colors! I wanted to knock on the door so bad and ask for a tour! Maybe someday if I go back by here I will have the courage to do that!
 We have arrived!
 Big Mamas Special! 4 pieces of fried fish, cole slaw, hot sauce, tartar sauce and a whole lot of goodness!
 When the inside of this sandwich looks like!
 and some fried shrimp!
We ate on a bench on the street and met a new crazy drunk friend Patricia. I shared my delicious shrimp with her, and we laughed and had fun. She was a neat lady.
 Waiting for the next Metro back to the hotel.
 Dupont Circle Escalators. So long!
Can you believe I missed watching the season finale of watching Bachelor???!! I know.....crazy move on my part, but it was worth it for a fun time sledding with some of my friends! Well, since I missed it, Jake woke up at 5:30am before our flight, and downloaded the show for me so I could watch it! We got some candy for a vending machine, and sat down to finish the night watching Bachelor! Oh it was awesome! I was cracking up so much of the time! Perfect way to end the evening! It was a great first day in DC.


  1. you definitely didn't miss watching the bachelor when it happened. i wish i would have dvr'd it. actually, i wish i had saved three hours of my life and youtubed the good parts!

    great pictures!
    xx jes, newest follower


  2. also, i forgot to add something that might make everything about the bachelor 100 times better.
    did you ever read the arthur books when you were younger?
    if you need a refresher, google it.
    and then google "francine".
    and then try to tell me that he doesn't look like bachelor ben.
