week wrap up!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

This has been a great week! I feel like alot happened! We had a huge jar of m&m's and they are becoming the death of me. The huge jar is almost empty! Jake and I have been eating them like crazy!
We had to get a footlong to celebrate "febuanay"
For family night on Monday we watched Bachelor, ate yogurt and Jake helped me pack for leaving for Disneyland in the morning!!!
Tuesday morning was a snowy one! Thats ok though because it cleared up on the drive and was beautiful!
Wednesday I partied for 24 hours at Disneyland to celebrate Leap Day. It was so fun, made some great new friends, and it was a beautiful day out with the most amazing cherry blossom trees in front of Sleep Beautys castle.
Thursday, me and the girls had a great drive home back to Utah. Gas prices are so much more in CA.
My morning breakfast...
It was a beautiful day to drive home!
You can never go wrong with lunch at Panera Bread!
My gas station treat!
We stopped in St. George to drop of Alexis. She was really nice and let us use her bathrooms. Look at this cool magnet board that was in their house! I want to make one of these! Since Jake and I have been married, we have collected magnets every where we go, so this would be awesome! I liked that this looked clean and neat, and cute.
Jimmy Johns for dinner!
Friday Jake took the day off and we went snowboarding together! More pictures to come :)
Saturday was National Platypus Day. We worked on making a motion stop video with our dino legos.
Saw new Junior Mints at the store and had to try them! Way bummed.....didn't like them at all. They were white chocolate instead of dark chocolate, and I missed the dark chocolate!
For dinner, we ate at the delicious In and Out Burger.
Then we headed over to Barnes and Noble to pick out a new book to read this week.
I got this scary looking book and Jake got at Orson Scott Card one. Aimee told me about this book, and after seeing the movie trailer for the book, I knew I had to read it!
That night, we went bowling with some new friends from our ward Ben and Emily! They were so fun! We all had fun playing with the platypus for national platypus day.

1 comment

  1. ha, you love my mom's magnet board! if i would have known, she has another full one in her room I would have shown you! so cute huh! I need to start collecting as well.
