Snow Day with Jake in Park City

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Last Friday, Jake got to take off work and we went snowboarding together! I was dying laughing at my car when we got up in the morning, seeing my car covered in so much dirt and icicles from the drive home from Disneyland on Thursday.
Driving up to Park City.
A perfect beautiful day for the Canyons.
Jakes first day of the season! Looking good in all his new gear!
I love his new pants/jacket/shoes combo!
Taking Saddleback up!
It snowed Thursday night and made some fresh powder for us! We had a great day of snowboarding and spending time together! I was so impressed at how well Jake did! This was only his 3 time snowboarding! He did so awesome!
We got some waffles at the waffle stand! Oh so delicious! I got a torpedo (Belgian waffle with chocolate stuffed in it) topped with strawberries and whip cream! YUM!
Taking the gondola back down to end the day.
I always get scared my snowboard is going to fall out. haah. never has though.
A beautiful view
After a great day of snowboarding, Jake and I went to his favorite mexican restaurant of all time! It is in Heber. He loves the salsa bar there because they have tons of different salsas you can try. We have tried a lot of the salsa flavors and they have all been delicious! Jake also loves their homemade horchata. Perfect way to end a snowy fun day :)

1 comment

  1. aww, your life is too fun! I have always wanted to go boarding/skiing, never been! will you help me someday???
