Giveaway: bowtie and bag from my store:) @ "The Happy Hour"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hi friends! I am so excited about this giveaway! And guess what...I have 3 other giveaways coming up next week! So make sure to enter all of them so you get some neat stuff all from my shop:)

My giveaway is on my new internet friends blog Meg "The Happy Hour." She has a super cute blog full of lots of goodies and fun surpasses she posts about everyday! The giveaway on her blog is for this cute bag and easy clip on bow tie (you can pick mens or boys :) (giveaway items pictured above)

Hope you come check out the giveaway HERE! Thanks so much!

1 comment

  1. Oooh how fun! I can't wait to enter!

