
Saturday, March 24, 2012

In DC, our hotel was pretty close to Georgetown, so we got to spend some good time there and have some fun! I am a big fan of Georgetown! I really like it!
Jake and I got on a cupcake kick the first day we got to DC and tried a new cupcake place everyday! Sprinkles red velvet is my favorite item from there.
A family friend named Vonya, works at a really cool bar in Georgetown called L2. Jake and I dont drink, so she made us some awesome virgin drinks! They were delicious! It was so good to see Vonya! She is so rad! She moved to the US from Bulgaria during her college years and have been loving it ever since! She is 30 and one of the neatest people I have ever met! She is super down to earth and really fun to be around!
Forbidden and a Moheato ....I dont know how to spell that....

We even got to eat some delicious appetizers at the bar! The mini hamburgers were my favorite! I still cant get over how cute the little pickles are.
An event was going on at the bar that brought out a part of the Washington Post. Jake and I got interviewed and our pictures taken because they liked our "style." That was surprisingly really fun! They said we were going to be posted in a section in the paper called "style sense" or something like that....
I dont remember...
On our way back to the hotel, we decided to stop and get some sushi! We googled near by sushi and found Sushi to Go! It was so good, we went back for sushi there another night! In the picture above is a caterpillar roll and tuna! Oh so delicious!! I am a big sushi fan! So YUMMY!
Friday night, we had a super fun time out in downtown DC and on our walk home we decided we needed to end our trip at Georgetown Cupcake! I had never been before, but every time I saw it, there was always a long line out front. We got there right before it closed and waited in this line! It surprisingly went really fast though! After eating our cupcakes.......Georgetown Cupcake were my favorite all around cupcakes we ate our trip! So good! And they have tons of super fun flavors to!
I didn't know they had a show on TLC. I will have to start watching it!
We spilled our cupcakes on accident. When I opened the box when we got back to the hotel. I was kinda bummed. Oh well, it didn't change the flavor one bit! The top left cupcake was red velvet, top right coconut and it was on like a banana cupcake which was so good, bottom left lava chocolate cup cake (the inside was like a lava cake with a chocolate fudgey syrup in it, bottom right, irish ment! That was a must with the next day being St. Patricks day! All these cupcakes were so good! I want to go back to DC just to eat these cupcakes! YUM!


  1. Those cupcakes all look TOO beautiful to eat!! it looks like you and your man had an awesome time! :) if i were you, i'd go back just for the cupcakes!

  2. How cute! That looks like such a great time.

