DC: Smithsonian National Zoo

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jake went to DC for work. I went to DC to have fun and spend the evening time with Jake :) Wednesday,  when I woke up at noon.......(really only 10 Utah time) I headed straight to the zoo. It actually turned out really good that I slept in and went to the zoo because the animals were loving the sun! They were all out side running around and moving and playing! It was amazing!
Jake was so cute, since he knew I would sleep in.....he snuck me in some breakfast. So cute how he got ice to keep the drinks cold, and even made toast. What a cute/sweet boy. Well, I ate breakfast, and headed to the zoo!
The zoo was only 1 metro stop away from our hotel! That is sooo close! Wow, now I think this is the longest escalator ever!
I tried this with the cheetah. He won by a long shot.
I was so sad the elephants were not out in the wide open! They are some of my favorites at this zoo!
Wow!!! This tree could not be any prettier!
Can you find the porcupine?                                
My new favorite animal! He is soooo dang cute in real life! He was running around, digging and playing so fast I couldn't get a non blurry picture!
Armadillo! He was also running around like crazy to! It was so cute to watch! I want an armadillo to. I think I should apply to work at a zoo, or make my own zoo.
Awesome turtle pond!
I think he was looking at me.
My ant dress was perfect for the invertebrate exhibit! I saw some ant farms in there!
There was this cool octopus drawing. I knew Jake would like it, so I took a picture of it!
Extra large dung beetles!
This hermit crab was the size of a baby! It was huge!!!!!

Alligator swimming around. I watched him for so long! I think alligators are soo cool and interesting!
I tried to get a perspective of how huge this anaconda is......I think he could of eaten me with ease...
Chameleons are the coolest!

Pancake turtle!
Legless lizards.......
HUGE iguanas!
Snake necked turtles
Tortoise crawling around.
Tortoise drinking water!
This is the same alligator that was swimming! Wow! He is so awesome! Now he is sun bathing!
Smile! I think it is amazing how still alligators can be. I wish I could be still sometimes :)
By the lions they had a really nice walkway with benches under trees. I sat on the benches and called my dad. We had so much fun talking, we talked for 3 hours! I always love and cherish phone calles with my dad. He is the best! I loved talking to him and sitting under some nice cool trees.
Taking the metro back to the hotel to meet Jake! Then we headed off to Georgetown for some dinner and shopping! It was an amazing day at the zoo! I could spend days at the zoo and never be board! All the animals are soo cool and cute!


  1. LOVE the zoo! except when I was reading this post, my comp decided to freeze a little on the snakes and that wasn't too fun.
    great pictures though!
    xx jes


  2. I love love love the Smithsonian Zoo! I haven't been in years, but it was incredible.

