a picture taking morning :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Every year since before I was born, my family takes family pictures! Well, since our family has gotten so large, and no long all live close to each other, my parents have been having everyone get individual family pictures, and then doing a Christmas card family collage. Its a bummer not seeing my cute family for the special event of picture taking, but I am loving having some cute pictures of Jake and I. It is actually exactly 2 years since Jake and I got engagement pictures, so its like our engagements round 2, only 2 years later :) Nicole Carmen Photography took our pictures! Thanks Nicole! We love them :)
Heres the one we are going to use for the family Christmas card! Its my favorite picture of the bunch! Here are some more pictures from our fun photo shoot with Nicole!
I can never be serious... :)
We had a fun time getting pictures done! We need to do this every year!

Here some pictures from our engagements 2 years ago. Also from Nicole Carmen Photography. Do we look any older now?!
 This was the picture we used for our invitations. Everyone called it the "Sunny and Sher" photo. hahah and our wedding colors ended up being mustard yellow and gray! It worked out perfect!


  1. These pictures are all amazing! You are both very photogenic I'd say :) Beautiful and precious pictures!

  2. you two are beyond adorable. love these!

  3. you guys are so cute. i want your polka skirts.

  4. X-tremely adorable. Great photographer too. Where did you get the cool coat?

  5. Love your style Kelsey! And I especially love the photo of your shoes with you holding hands in the orchard... very sweet.
