a stair case..and an upstairs!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 5: We were soo happy to see stairs! AND a most of the upstairs done! Oh this is so exciting!
We were so glad they were able to change the support beams on the top so we could have the bottom of the stairs open to give the downstairs a more open feel :)
 Walking upstairs!
Wahoo!!!!! Straight ahead will be the master bedroom. On the right, kids bath and a room. So check out those 3 windows straight ahead! This is what I have been most excited for, for our bedroom. The builders did exactly what we asked, and when Jake saw it, he was bummed. We realized...after this is done that the 3 windows would look so much better on 9 foot ceilings. That was totally our bad :( My first regret of building our house...I wish we did 9 foot ceiling on the upstairs. We did 9 foot on the main floor and it makes all the difference in the feel of the home. I guess you live and you learn right? As for the windows, our builder is awesome, and worked with us on those. If I were him, I would be hating us by now.... :) Hes a trooper. We are going to raise the bottom of the windows one foot. So, we will still have the cute 3 window look we want, but just not square...rectangle instead! That will be nice though. More wall space for a bed, lights and nightstands!
We were so happy to see some framing done to! These builders rock! They are so on top of it!
Standing in the Master bath room. Straight ahead on the right will be a loft, and a bedroom to the left of that.
 Going back down stairs. Goodbye cute house!
Outside of the home progress! Wahoo!

1 comment

  1. This won't be the only home you build so you will learn from this one. Glad the builder is accomadating. Love the 3 window concept, no shades requirred and is a great light source and modern look to frame out your bed. You can get 9ft ceilings next time. I like what you did with the bottom of the stairs. Opening it up will make it feel larger as well as add interest to that area. Good idea. I'm afraid to miss one of your blogs because you might be moved in overnight at the rate this is going up, lol. What is your expected move in date? Hugs, Auntie
