Anacortes 5 Hour Kayak Tour :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wahoo! The day Jake has been looking forward to! And myself as well. We woke up at 6am and drove from Seattle to Anacortes which was a 90 minute drive. When we got in town, we got some breakfast and checked in with

We were not planning on a kayak trip so we did not bring the right kind of clothes and shoes with us to Seattle. Jake was very concerned I would be cold, so he took me to my favorite work out clothes store and got me a jacket and pants, and took me to Nordstom to get some outdoor shoes! Jake got a cute North Face coat at Nordstrom to! I think he looks so handsome in it! I have such a sweet husband. I was warm on our trip and was so glad I had good shoes to wear!
At the boat dock. Check out this neat totem pole. I like the sailor on the bottom.
Our first wild life encounter : red medusa jelly fish. Our guide Blake was awesome and fearless. He just stuck his hand in the water and pulled out the jelly fish for us to see. We lucked out on our trip! It was just Jake and I and our guide Blake. It was so nice because as we found on our trip...Jake and I are super slow kayakers, and we enjoy looking at everything. We are doddlers, so luckly Blake was patient, and I think we all had a great time :)
In our Kayaks! Ready for our adventure!
Blake taught us some neat survival skills. One was, you can eat these leaves of kelp.
Another was you can eat sea urchin (uni) straight from the ocean! Kind of intense huh? Blake jumped in the freezing cold water to pull out this urchin for us to eat. I am not going to lie...I was a little scared to eat it...I just tried to picture the urchin was on top of a bed of rice and I was dipping it in soy sauce.
Eating the urchin! Guess what? I liked it! I think I just might order uni next time I eat sushi.
Our cool guide Blake.
First stop on our tour, up to a neat old lighthouse on the west side of Burrows Island!
Picking blackberries to eat!
An old duplex families used to live in that took care of the light house. I kept trying to imagine this home in its prime, and it bet is was so dang cute!
House left, light house right.
We got to go inside the old home! It was so cute! All the walls were a baby blue and a fun floor plan. I bet it was decorated so awesome and had some super neat features.
Look how thick the walls are. They dont make them like this anymore...
A slug I found outside the house. Look at the hole in it. You could look through the hole and see his insides....he must of gotten burned or something. Didn't seem to effect or bother him though.
Picture I took of the lighthouse through a window inside the house.
Walking to the lighthouse.
Looking out at the water.
Going back to our kayaks.
Goodbye cute house! Goodbye lighthouse!
Our next stop was a neat little pocket beach on Allan Island with all pebbles instead of sand. It was so fun and cozy to lay down in them! They were nice and warm from the sun. I had a blast sorting through the rocks and picking out favorites. Each rock was so smooth and perfectly tumbled. I could of sat and looked at rocks all day. I love rocks. This island is actually on sale for $14 millon. I think it would be a good investment :) How fun to have your own island! The current owner of the island is Paul Allen co-owner of Microsoft. Island not named after him.
Jake loves water. Everywhere he goes, he wants to jump in the water. Here is Jake jumping in the 48 degree ocean water! He loved it, but said it was freezing!
A dead crab..
Tuna sun bathing.
Next stop was Williamson Rocks National Wildlife Refuge.
Look, a harbor seal! We got to see several of them actually! You could see them pop up their head up out of the water and look and you, and go back under the water. We even saw several porpoises to! We were loving all the wild life around us!
Bird island.....attack of the birds.....maybe..
Mount Baker. A perfectly clear day!
We had so much fun kayaking. We were pooped after! We decided we should take some lessons on how to kayak so we can get good at it! We would for sure to do this again! Maybe next time we will even do a fun over night kayaking trip!


  1. that's one of the coolest trips. thanks for sharing the fun. Auntie

  2. Love all your pictures and description!! Daniel and I love to kayak together so these pictures are fun to see! especially of washington, prettiest state ever!
