Utah State Fair

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Last Saturday, Jake and I got to go to the Utah State Fair. I dont know why, but every year I want to go to the fair. It is probably because of all the delicious fried food! Here are some pictures I took while we were walking around the fair.
 I love all the colors, lights, games, food and rides at carnivals! So fun!
 It was super hot outside so we needed a frozen lemonade to cool us down!
At the fair, my most favorite thing is the Piggies! Oh I LOVE seeing the little baby pigs! THey are so dang cute! I like seeing all the farm a animals, but the piggies are a huge highlight for me!
 I feel bad seeing the animals tied up. It almost made me cry this time. It doesn't seem like a fun/fair life. But I do love to see the animals. This baby cow on the bottom and the cutest big eyes!
 Watch your buns....
Watching a dairy cow get milked! 
 In the goat area, there was a competition. We watched for a bit. It looked intense! Just like Best in Show, but with Goats!
 Cool bunny!
 Millons of bunnies!
Every year at the State Fair, I get a picture by the biggest pumpkin! I love looking at the vegetables. I always want to eat them!
Jake tells me almost daily how he wants to be a Bee Keeper in his spare time. He was so excited when there was info on being a Bee Keeper at the fair. I would not be surprised if Jake starts collecting bees!
For dinner we got pizza from the Pie. Oh it was amazing! I think I could eat an entire pizza from there by myself!
Jake and I had a wonderful time at the State Fair! We wished we got to be there when the night lights went on, but we had been there for hours in the hot sun and were pooped! Maybe well go back again before it ends. I can always go for some more carnival food!

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