weekly update

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday was Labor Day. Jake and I had no plans, except going on a hike. I was lazy and didn't feel like going on a hike so we jumped in the car and went to go get some lunch. Who knew we would spend all day looking at washer and dryers! We spent all day going to places and check out what they had to offer. At Home Depot they had popcorn! At RC Willey they had hot dogs! Needless to say, we ate all day....
Later in the day we stopped to go to the movies, but there were not any movies that we really wanted to see, so we got some fries at Five Guys.
 I think this picture speaks for itself...
 In the evening we had a nientedo party! We played the PSP for a few hours and then...
Went grocery shopping and got some candy! Oh I am sooo excited for Halloween! I think it may be my favorite holiday...besides Christmas :) Jake and I ended the night playing Ticket to Ride and watching the show Workaholics.
Tuesday was a great day! In the evening, Jake and I got to enjoy Taco Tuesday. We saw an old friend there from high-school Ryan Skousen. That was fun to see him and say hello and eat tacos!
After we went to Yogurtland to get some yogurt! Finally they had some new flavors!!!! So exciting! There I saw 3 women from my church. It was a party night! Then we came home and finalized some decisions for the house...front door...hardware..those kind of things :)
Wednesday I finished off my Hello Kitty fruit snacks. That was a bummer. I will have to get more next time at the store. Oh they were so delicious! I ate the entire box of 40 real quick....They are like the Scooby Doo kind and flavors...so that means....AMAZING!
For dinner, Jake and I stopped by J-dawgs! It was a late night at the house being built and I was so hungry, so of course....hot dogs.
For dessert we made some pazzookies. This is becoming a nightly routine...I dont mind!
Friday night, Jake and I had date night at Happy Sumo! Oh so good! For some reason, all I ever want to eat is sushi lately. We have been eating alot of it. I LOVE IT! Here is some yummy tuna over warm leafy greens, caramelized onions and mushrooms. YUM! We have to get this every time! Its never disappointing! And its filling!
Vegetarian roll and Vegas roll!
Saturday morning started off with Krispy Kremes for breakfast! Jake tried the Cotton Candy donut. It tasted just like it! I always love my chocolate glazed..or sprinkles.
Jake and I both sported a pony tail on Saturday. I love Jake with a pony tail! Saturday we had a fun family bday party for Jakes dad. More pics to come later.
After the party, Jake and I ran to Gardner Village for 10 minutes to see if they could order a piece of furniture we needed. That was a no go :( But thats ok, I love going to Gardner. I cant wait to go back when all the Halloween Decor is up!
Saw some kids on a pony ride! I was so bummed Jake and I had to run up to Salt Lake before a granite store closed. I wanted to go inside the petting zoo so bad :(
After looking for some granite countertops, Jake and I went the the Utah State Fair! We had so much fun! More pics from that to come later :) Then we went to City Creek Mall. We had fun walking around and doing some window shopping.
On our way home from Salt Lake, Jake and I stopped at Target. We always pick out the most random things when we got grocery shopping together...
A couple fun Halloween items purchased from the day :) I think Halloween is my favorite holiday!
We ended the evening eating Oreos, and watching Halloweentown. I forgot how slow paced that movie is, but I loved it! Time to start watching a Halloween movie a night!
Sunday, the flowers at our home looked amazing out! I had to take some pictures of them! I love flowers! They are so beautiful!
For lunch we ate mummy dogs....
My sister Hayley sent me this picture of Ried looking so handsome in a bowtie I gave him! Oh he looks so juicy! I love his cheeks and cute little teeth! I cant believe how tall he looks in this picture! He is looking like a big boy now!
For dinner we had peas and bbq chicken made by Jake. He always does a great job in the kitchen!
The night ended with giving Jake a hair cut :( Sadly it was time. Then we worked on the computers for a little bit getting pictures, examples, layouts, ext for the electrician, and plumber who we will be meeting with at our new house in the morning! So exciting!!!

1 comment

  1. I am a HUGE fruit snacks lover!! Why have I never tried the hello kitty kind? Perfection!
