Seattle Argosy Boat Tours: Harbor Tour around Elliot Bay

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wow, I cant say enough how much we loved this boat ride! Argosy is one of only the boat companies in Seattle that has a live narrator to tell you about the sites you are seeing and neat stuff about the city. Our guys name was Pete and did a great job! I feel I really learned a lot on this boat ride, and got to know about Seattle better! This Harbor Tour boat ride was also part of our City Passes. The boat takes you around Elliot Bay for about an hour! We also loved getting up close and personal in the industrial shipping terminal.
Getting our seats..and of course a treat to eat on our journey! Magnum Double of our favorite ice cream treats! Bar far the best magnum bar...besides pistachio!
 The boat starting to pull out of the dock! Here are some pictures from our boat ride adventure!
This bottom left hand picture which is hard to see is Mount Rainier...a live and someday predicted volcano!
 I love this picture! I love america, city skylines, boat light, and industrial looking things...
 Heading over to the shipping terminals.
See the red part of the mast on the boat to the left? I guess in the olden days, companies would paint the mast of the boat to signify what company they were with. This gave traitors options of who they wanted to work with.
 Check out these stacked boxes. Each ones is the size that a semi truck carries full of goods! This ship was HUGE! I couldn't not believe how many items were on it, ready to hook up to semis!
See that little white box in the middle of this picture on the top? That is a control box for someone to sit in and move all these stacking boxes! Whoooa! I guess they have to move all the boxes off the ship each one by 60-90 seconds. These guys have to be fast and super accurate! I guess this job is super straining on the eyes so the workers can only stay in the box for 2 hours at a time! Talk about intense!
 Check out this smushed box! That of must of been some serious force to crush that steel!
Pulling back up to the dock. I LOVED this boat ride! I will do it again someday! A great way to see a taste of the city and hear lots of great info!

1 comment

  1. This looks FABULOUS!!!! And I love that your man wears a bow tie! MINE DOES TOO ;) Totally cool!
