Seattle Aquarium

Friday, August 31, 2012

Jake and I really enjoyed our time at the Seattle Aquarium. We really loved the seals, sea and river otters. They were all so playful and super fun to watch! They looked fun to jump in the water and go swimming with! I was bummed there was not a shark display, but overall the aquarium was great!
 Neat ceilings. Most of the architecture in Seattle is awesome! A lot of industrial style, which I LOVE!
 Isnt he so cute??! I he was enjoying some sun bathing :)
 The cute sea otters resting.
A super neat part of the aquarium was under the ocean floor kinda feeling room. It was a bubble with windows all around to see sea life swimming all around you. This was another of our favorite parts! I could of sat in there for quite awhile watching animals.
 Watching Sea otters from water level.
Sea otters having some fun!
and of the gift shop :)

1 comment

  1. Glad you guys had a great time! Love all of the great pictures. Hope you can visit us again sometime soon!
