Seattle Space Needle : A ride to the top

Thursday, August 30, 2012

After the Pacific Science Center we went to ride the Space Needle. We got into each place with our City Passes. The City Pass also gives you 2 times to ride the Space Needle so you could ride it in the day and night if you wanted to see the city at different times of the day! Neat. We went around 6:30 pm after a fun long day :) The Metro stop and the EMP museum are also by the Needle.
This is what the sky looked like. This picture has no filter. (I downloaded a new computer app and went a little filter crazy...) This is the first thing that we saw we when stepped out of the Needle elevators! It was so beautiful out! It was around 6:30 pm and stunning out! On the next pictures I just could not help in making the pictures old school style to celebrate 50 year anniversary of the Space Needle! Seattle is beautiful!
This picture has no filter :) so pretty out! Hello Seattle!
 Giant spiders on a roof!
New magnet for the fridge :)

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