weekly update

Monday, August 13, 2012

How could this message from Lindy not start my week off perfect?! I miss her sooo much!!!!!!
I cant tell you all how excited I am! I registered for my first big Blogging convention! I am sooooooo excited to go! I have something fun to look forward to in the winter Utah months!
Jake and I finally made it to Taco Tuesday at Rubios this past week! We used to go all the time, and it had been to long! No where beats Rubios fish tacos!
After, we had to get some Yogurtland in Celebration of the new spoons that came out that day.
Wednesday morning I woke up to some animal friends cozy in the laundry basket. Jake said I did that in the middle of the night when I woke up to go to the bathroom. I dont remember any of that....
Wednesday I got to go on a super fun lunch date with one of Jake and I's old Sunday School studnets Mckenzie! She is so wonderful! Her and I had blast at PF Changs! It was her first time there and she loved it!
Thursday I woke up to Lamb Chop and Tuna like this....They are only 13, I dont think they should be sharing a bed yet....
We love In and Out Burger! Thursday dinner ;)
Saturday morning, Jake made me a delicious breakfast! He is always so sweet and willing to help. The pancakes were chocolate chip and bacon! Oh YUM!
 Saturday we ran alot of errands and a found a huge pom pom thingy..... on our new house lot..... ;) I made a wish.
 Sunday Snacking....
 I finally made Sunday Dinner! Wahoo! They neighbors had a baby, so Jake helped me bring them some dinner!
I made homemade teriyaki chicken and used this recipe in the link! It was pretty good! I liked it :) It was a easy recipe and a crowd pleaser.


  1. that photo of you is gorgeous. love love love it.

  2. Kels you are such a cute blogger! Although I need to make sure I text you better pictures of the kids just in case they end up in here :) Lindy really does miss her Aunt Kelsey and Reid still says your name in almost every one of his prayers.... so sweet! You won them all over for sure.
