to the peaks!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

This last Wednesday, Jakes work rented out Seven Peaks for all the employees and their families! We had so much fun! Lets say our entire time consisted of eating...with a small side of slide rides :)
When we got to the Peaks, we started with some french fries! We were scared the food line would be to long, so we started with a snack. I Love Seven Peaks french fries dipped in ranch! So good!
After we finished our fries, we went to the food line! We were in line :) So we grabbed some food and found a perfect picnic spot to eat our food and hang out!
 After dinner, we got churros! YUM!
We ended the evening with a few hours of tube rides! Its so fun on a two person tube! It makes a ride so much more fun going down than by yourself. Not that I mind a peaceful ride by myself down a waterside, but there is something real fun about a two person tube! We had a wonderful time at the Peaks and cant wait to go again next year for Jakes work!

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