Girls Camp Day 2: Wednesday

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wednesday we had an awesome bacon and french toast to start camp off right! Chole was super awesome and was the first one to complete and get her Incredi-gil necklace! Go Chloe!  The Stake Leaders came up with a challenge to memorize a scriptrue for each young womens value and write in your journal how you can live that value in your life. Our entire ward 24 girls and 5 leaders all got our incedigirl necklaces by the end of the week!
 After roll call, we headed to the pavillon to split into groups! Here are some pictures from craft time! We each got to make a new journal.
 First aid review!
 Dinner time! Emmie getting ready for some "rain." Its ok, she could do whatever she wanted! It was her birthday! On your birthday, your aloud to do what ever you want!
 Everyone singing happy bday!
 Wednesday night we got to do our ward skit! The girls did so awesome job remembering the words of the songs!
Mina and Mckenna getting a fire started for us for the night!
In the evening the Stake made us yummy fried oreos! Yes please!
Smores time!
Before bed time, Ember and Brianna were welcomed with a cute little bat above their beds :) Ember was a rock star and calmly caught the cute little guy to take him outside! Go Ember!

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