Sundance Outdoor Theater - 7 brides for 7 brothers

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Saturday night, Jakes parents were so sweet and treated us to a fun night at Sundance! We got to eat a yummy dinner and see a super fun play!
I love how beautiful Sundance is. Jake and I got there a little bit before his family was there, so we had fun walking around.
I was loving Jakes new shoes I got for him :) He wore them so well! I was also exited to give Jakes mom a little gift! She is always so sweet and thoughtful to me!
Tracter ride to dinner!
Jakes cute parents!
Cameron and his new girl friend :)
Yummy BBQ dinner! I picked a hamburger! I loved it!
Jake got the spicy mango pulled pork. He loved it!
Getting ready for the play to start! An outdoor play....neat! Jakes parents picked us out some amazing seats! It was so fun to be close in the play to see the actors expressions!
We had a wonderful time! We loved dinner, the play, and hanging out with Jakes family! We hope to do it all again next summer!

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