Pacific Science Musem: Lady Gaga Laser Light Show, Imax, King Tut Exhibit, and more ;)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Pacific Science Center was pretty neat! I really wanted to see the King Tut exhibit! I have always been a big Egypt/ Egyptian fan, so anytime I see anything of the sort, I want to go see!
We started off our visit with a Lady Gaga Laser Show! It was fun! We got some Sour Patch Kids as treats and sat and enjoyed the show! It was fun! Its just music, and lasers doing shapes and things to the music, but its fun.
After, we headed outside to the courtyard of the museum. They had some really neat arrictectural structures. It kind of reminded me of what BYU used to look like..and most of it still does :)
I loved seeing the reflection of the Space Needle in the water.
Jake riding a bike above water. We had fun outside enjoying the weather and taking pictures to!
Before we went to see the King Tut exhibit, we saw an Imax movie. It was pretty good, and fun to see a little history about some items and things we were going to see.
At the exhibit.
Check out that royal toilet in the top right corner....
I was amazed with the detail Egyptians did to everything. This mini gold curcafagos, the entire inside had engraved hieroglyphics on it. Amazing! There eye for carving, art, writing, jewelry, everything was amazing! And they were so advanced in building and being ahead of the game.
The top left is a game! Neat huh. Bottom Left, shoes for King Tut to wear in the afterlife. Bottom right....King Tut....the replica.
Checking out the rest of the PSC. Jake and I were loving the dinos! We always do!
Bugs land...
Me and a cockroach.
Tuna on a caterpillar. Jake doing a grass hopper puzzle! He did a great job! I think the grass hopper was happy to be put back together.
Butterfly House! And it was free! Most museums I have been to, you have to pay extra to get into the butterfly homes, but not this one! Wahoo! We saw lots of butterflies! They really did fly all around us!
My handsome husband and a butterfly. He is a good sport letting me take pictures of him all day.
Naked Mole Rat pile up...
We had a great time at the museum. Just a few hours was a perfect amount of time to have here! I am glad we got to go!

1 comment

  1. what did you guys go to seattle for? just a fun trip? love all these pics. its on my bucket list to ride up the space needle and eat at the restaurant. there is one right? ps i cant believe you held a roach i HATE those haha they are all over hawaii
